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Avoid a Global Positioning Watch

A Global Positioning Watch Pinpoints Your Location at All Times. The Big Brother Police-State Has Wired Every Corner of Our Lives With Technology to Invade Privacy.

Global positioning watch system technology is being used by the government of the United States to monitor the people of the country and all of their movements and destinations.

The day is upon us when each citizen is under constant surveillance.

The government is becoming more and more like Big Brother from Orwell’s 1984 by monitoring the movements of the people on nearly a constant basis without cause or evidence.

The government of the United States has completely ignored the constitution in recent years and has successfully taken away many if not most of the rights and freedoms of American Citizens. 

The government is watching what books you are reading, your internet history, the contents of your emails, and they are tapping your phone calls without the need for warrants or cause for suspicion. 

You are being treated like the criminals and terrorists which the government is supposedly using these laws to protect you from.

People in the United States are being tracked by any means necessary, and more ways of tracking are being pushed on you every day, like the RFID chips they want to implant into you.

With the ever increasing surveillance, monitoring and tracking of you by the government, no person in their right mind would want to be wearing a global positioning watch. 

Directions at what Cost

You may like the idea of having directions to anywhere you want to go at the tip of your fingers.

You like it when you don’t have to stop and ask someone for directions. You want a personal navigator.

These are the main reasons you will purchase a global positioning system for your car.

Now you want the same convenience when walking around the city, so you will buy the latest watch.

The question remains, since you know that the government is accessing the global positioning satellites and watching the movements of these devices, why would you want to get a global positioning watch.

This will just give the government more access to you at all times.

They will be able to track your every move. They will know where you are every second of every day, and they will be able to locate you at a moment’s notice.

This is exactly what they need so they can realize their goal for a New World Order.

You need to become aware of what is happening around you. America is no longer the land of freedom.

The government has too much power, and you are allowing them to gain more with your need for the latest technology.

Is It Worth It

Is it worth it to sacrifice your freedoms and rights for simple conveniences?

Would you sacrifice your privacy for driving directions on your wrist in the form of a global positioning watch?

You need to fight what is happening at the hands of the government and the elite who are pulling its member’s strings.

You need to demand your rights be restored. You need to protect yourself from the abuse of power you are seeing in the government.

Conditioning to the police-state begins with our blind acceptance of liberties compromised in the name of security.

Avail yourself of modern convenience, but be ever vigilant in your fight against tyranny and New World Order conditioning.

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