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Behavioral Biometrics

The Science of Behavioral Biometrics is About Control. The Ruling Class Elite Are Using This Technology to Track Individuals and Program Americans to Accept Complete Domination.

Behavioral biometrics is another way of proving one’s identity. It is not enough to have the right kind of identification to authenticate who you are; anyone can carry a card or steal a password.

There are those who pretend to be someone else. This need has created a secondary system of biometrics just for that purpose – the biometrics of behavior. What are behavioral biometrics?

The biometrics of behavior are another way of saying that there really is only one you. You are unique in the way that you do things, and it is believed that some of your uniqueness can be identified and categorized.

The purpose for a backup system to ID someone is simply to add another layer of security to a system that is believed to be close to foolproof – but not quite.

As systems of prevention get harder to beat, so do the ways that criminals use to defeat those systems. The one is always trying to stay ahead of the other.

This form of biometrics is already in use in companies world-wide. It is likewise being developed as quickly as possible, and as conveniently as possible, because better systems need to be in place.

How Behavioral Biometrics Work

The idea behind biometrics that is based on behavior must rely on some quality that is quantifiable. This means that habits must be measured, but they must also be comparable against other’s whose are also measurable.

The result is that any person you want identified must have created some kind of standard previously.

Probably the most common tool to make this kind of measurement is that of keystrokes. Since how many keystrokes you enter, and what patterns you use are all recordable, keystroke tests are often given.

This is an easy way to make such measurements, and it can easily be done while at work.

The advantage of using something like a keystroke test is that it is very cost effective and can be implemented in just a few minutes into a network.

There is no hardware needed, you only have to have some place to keep the standard.

Behavioral Biometrics Problems

The main problem with this type of system being used for a backup ID is that people can change. Or possibly, how they feel at a particular minute can change and it will, at least at times, affect their performance.

This is also what the creators of this type of system are finding, too. People can change, and so there really are limitations on this type of ID.

Although it is being used, it is still a far cry from being fully developed. Once again, this is in obvious preparation for a government that watches everything.

Although probably not being created with that intention, it will undoubtedly ultimately be used for the wrong purposes of creating an Orwellian Government that will not allow any hint of transgression against it.

Already the plans and technology are in the works for tracking every human on earth. This includes RFID chips, satellite technology, and now, through behavioral biometrics, every aspect about you will be recorded.

Do not believe it is all to protect you; it is control rising up all around you under many disguises.

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