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Big Brother Reality TV Show is a Diversion

Big Brother Reality TV Show is a Distraction From True Reality. NWO Media Wizards Have America Spellbound With Mind-Numbing Pablum Designed to Misdirect Us.

Big Brother Reality TV show is a series that lasts about three months and centers around approximately sixteen characters who live together in isolation.

One would think Americans would be able to spend their time more wisely. These characters are watched with television cameras 24/7, and they are all attempting to win a cash prize by avoiding evictions that occur periodically.

The series started in 1999 in the Netherlands, and it has become a prime time hit in approximately seventy countries.

Notice that it is being broadcast during prime-time which we know is controlled at least in the United States by the same ones who control the mass media, and they are the private central bank owners of multinational corporations.

This diversion is used to keep people from noticing what is happening right in front of their face should they choose to turn there heads away from the television screen.

We all are now being watched by our modern day Big Brothers known as the orchestrators of the New World Order, and we are being watched 24/7 with total disregard for our rights to privacy.

Big Brother Reality TV show is in place to keep us from seeing the real big brother as it takes away our rights, our wealth, our dignity and our nations’ borders.

The real big brothers are the central bank cartels that are amassing the world’s wealth while they air their reality shows and addict people to watching staged nonsense.

While You are Watching a Big Brother Reality TV Show

The private central bank owners are the Real Big Brother, and they are not only watching you, they are staying very busy developing more and more sophisticated spying equipment while they sneak in and dip into your pockets for more tax money to pay for it all.

You, meanwhile, are mindlessly dipping your potato chip into some poisonous concoction with your eyes glued to the television screen.

Big Brother is systematically destroying nutritious food, churning out all forms of poisons in your medicines, water supply and food chain while you keep going to the supermarket and drugstores to keep your increased addictions satisfied.

Stop! Step Away from the TV While You Can

Go for a nature walk, learn how to eat healthier, jump up and down, play with a toy or your pet; do anything other than sit in front of your television while your brain rots away.

Clean yourself up, dust yourself off and allow some time to detoxify and heal–then remain quite and listen and soon you will understand how to walk away from the Real Big Brothers.

Should you keep your brain occupied with trash on TV, you will eventually lose any and all control over any aspect of your life, and that precious TV will not be available for you to watch in a FEMA camp or some other controlled environment.

You will be the one evicted from your home, and you will be the one who big brother tosses away because you and every wonderful lovely thing about you will be all used up.

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