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Biometric Data Collection

Biometric Data can be Collected and Stored to Identify You. The NWO Strives to Have Every Person Categorized for Easy Sorting Between Who Lives & Dies in Police-State USA.

Implementing biometric data means the process of collecting and storing identification intended to allow the creation of access management and establish control of that access.

This technology can easily be used to track individual Americans.

Biometric data is simply data about the physical or behavioral traits which are considered unique to that individual, and these unique traits are collected into a database in order to aid in quick identification of that individual for a future reference.

Biometric technology, however, suffers from the drawback that it cannot identify someone who does not have their data within the system already; it has proven fairly accurate with information that is already within the database.

Every form of biometric technology has drawbacks however, and there remains various methods of working around the system to fool it and confuse it.

Perhaps one of the most developed fields of biometrics, the practice of fingerprinting criminals, is accepted worldwide, and it has become the central method of criminal investigation.

No two fingerprints have ever been found to be the same in the entire practice of fingerprinting, so it is no surprise that the usefulness of biometrics in identification processes has generated significant interest.

This data can also be used for other purposes, such as improving a corporations ability to market to customers or even for the nefarious use of racial segregation.

Because of the many uses of biometrics, and the many dangers associated with many of those uses, it has remained as a significant source of controversy for quite some time.

Data Collection

The field of biometrics is dependent on a database of preexisting information in order to reference new information against a data base to determine differences or matches, so the collection of data is of major importance.

Without having any biometric data within a database, the incoming data is somewhat useless without anything to reference it against.

For these reasons, many governments have programs of fingerprinting or taking other information about individuals and adding them to national or worldwide databases, such as through the international police force Interpol.

By creating massive databases of information, biometrics becomes increasingly more powerful and accurate.

Shared in Global Network

By sharing data with counterparts all over the world, a global network of information can be constructed.

A global biometric data system would be capable of identifying someone from anywhere in the world no matter where they were Granted, of course, their information was already within the database.

The purpose of creating global biometric systems is in order to prevent future instances of not being able to find a match because the individual’s information is not in the system.

Financial and government powers believe that by creating this global database, their ability to control and manage the population will be increased substantially, and their power will rise dramatically.

Power Over Individuals

Many civil liberties advocates point out that the widespread use of biometric data against the civilian population in their day to day lives is clearly an invasion of privacy and has a serious potential for abuses.

Not only are these dangers inherent within the technology, but these devices can enable corporations to gain significant abilities to manipulate customers who have never been seen before.

Because of the extreme potentials for abuse and misuse of such powerful and culture changing technologies, many are suggesting that these technologies be highly regulated or even banned from use in private or public areas.

Many believe these forms of technology should remain entirely within high security facilities within the government and military instead of at the supermarket and the shopping centers.

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