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Blackwater Company and Private Security

The Blackwater Company and Private Security are a Private Army.

Blackwater company and private security forces are hired to enforce corporate agendas that require compliance and oppression in their quest for money and power, and if not compliance, then death.

To maintain power and control over their financial empires, these corporations and financiers will commit any evil or atrocity, and then turn around and praise themselves in the media as political heroes to the cause of saving a country from its own evil of peace and nonviolence.

This corporate strategy is not a new concept of war, tyranny, or conquest; it has been going on for centuries now throughout the world, and initiated originally out of England, France, Russia, and Italy by the monarchies and their armies.

Blackwater company and private security contractors are the Kings’ mercenary armies that are hired to enforce compliance and initiate enslavement of target nations to ensure the profits that conquest of these lands can bring to the Kingdom and their monarchies.

America is no different than any other country ever conquered, except that the British used immigrants to replace the native population, which has cost them money in the past while there was a need to conceal their purpose; but America is about to find out what they really had in mind all along. Year after year, systematically the government has taken more liberties away from the people of America under a guise of the threat of violence from a foreign entity, when in fact the threat comes from within our own governmental system with its corporate hierarchy.

The privatization of America’s military is a big step toward the achievement of the corporate goal of total world control in that a for-profit mercenary army has no particular interest except money and war, unlike the government military which is programmed to believe this is their country they defend and implies a personal interest beyond money.

Privatization of the nation’s military armies will create a situation where the rich corporate entity will be led by the government it created; and they will march against whatever threat the corporate government establishes within the borders of America and her territories.

Divide and Conquer

Private security forces will serve as the corporate army to subdue the nations’ dissenters when the time comes and the necessity arises for the furtherance of the worldwide corporate agenda.

The role that mercenary armies have played in corporate conquest throughout history is well documented and parallels the goals of Blackwater company and private security forces being used now to subdue the masses in the name of capitalistic corporate profit in Iraq and other countries.

The carnage, death, and destruction that is caused in the wake of these private corporate armies is also well documented historically, including their effect upon native populations; although we, as Americans, do not perceive ourselves to be a native population per se, we are economic slaves to a system of elitism just the same.

Americans more perceive themselves as privileged people of the world, along with the British, as we have thus far, for the most part, escaped the wars and violent tyranny that have taken place in other lands and to other cultures.

However, the American mass population is just a corporate commodity to the financial powers that control the destiny of the entire population and the earth, as has been the case for centuries ever since the Roman British Monarchy set out to colonize the world.

We live our lives as if we have no concerns and have a false perception that the ills of the rest of the world will never touch down on American soil, which is a completely false sense of security because the dividing lines have already been well established to set America up to take a fall.

Through prejudice of just about every kind imaginable, the economic force that enslaves this world has propagandized the entire world population to create division for the purpose of conquest, which has worked quite well for them since they initiated their plan of world domination and power centuries ago.

Blackwater Company and Private Security

Privately hired military troops have always been a formidable force for people to face in their protests and efforts to remain free and peaceful in their homelands.

The corporately sponsored private armies, like Blackwater company and private security, have largely been successful in quashing rebellious efforts throughout history, ending in the enslavement of most populations worldwide to a system of capitalism.

The fact is that the American government is controlled by the forces of economics and finance that have brought entire nations to their knees throughout history for the sake of corporate profit; and the American citizens should not cling to a false sense of security in the perception that it could never occur in our nation.

The current unemployment statistics and financial situation in America prove that it could very well happen here.

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