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Britney Spears Womanizer Lyrics are Used to Distract You

Looking up Britney Spears Womanizer Lyrics Gives the Elite More Power.

The elite would like to encourage everyone to spend more time looking up Britney Spears Womanizer lyrics instead of paying attention to what is going on in the world around them.

The elite would like for you to not pay attention to the things that matter the most in your world which is why they do everything that they can to encourage you to be distracted.

They know that if you are paying so much attention to trivial matters that you will not find out about how the government is using depleted uranium.

The elite have been using depleted uranium in many different ways even though it has been proven to have a very negative effect on the human body.

The reason why the elite want the depleted uranium to get used is because they have vast stores of the material stored up.

When Uranium is enriched, the material that is cast off is what is called depleted uranium because most of the uranium -238 isotope has been removed from it.

The elite have kept the stores of it in case they were able to figure out a way to remove even more uranium – 238 from the material. In the mean time, the elite have challenged industry to come up with practical applications for the material.

One major industry that has been using the material has been the airplane industry which uses the material as counterweights.

The biggest problem with doing this is the fact that airplane crashes happen all the time making every survivor in extreme danger.

Those that survive the crash are in danger of breathing in the depleted uranium that is oxidized from the resulting fire of the crash.

Uranium in War

While many people are looking up the Britney Spears Womanizer lyrics, the soldiers of America are being put in danger due to depleted uranium.

They are literally surrounded by the powder from depleted uranium as it is used in munitions and in shields.

Since the metal is so extremely hard, it is great as an armor piercing round and as a shield from other rounds. The incendiary properties of the munitions makes it a great anti-tank weapon.

The problem is all of the oxidized depleted uranium that gets put into the air.

Free of Laws

Since you are spending all of your time looking up Britney Spears Womanizer lyrics, you are probably unaware of the dangers that everyone in a war zone is under due to the use of depleted uranium.

The problem is that there are no international laws against using the material.

The reason that the laws are not in place is because the weapons are considered to be used to kill through kinetic force and not as a poison.

The problem is that the weapons are doing both not only for their soldiers, but for American soldiers too.

Other Uses for Depleted Uranium

Instead of researching the Britney Spears Womanizer lyrics, maybe you should spend some time finding out what else this poisonous material can be used for.

When the government challenged industry to find uses for it, they answered. One disturbing way in which the material is used is as a radiology shield when you are getting an X-ray.

This is funny because the material that is supposed to be protecting from getting sick can actually get you sick.

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