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Bulk Organic Foods Rejected by Elite Planners

Americans Need Bulk Organic Foods Today. A Solid Nutritional Foundation Based On Foods Without Pesticides, is a Crucial Part of Maintaining Good Health.

Bulk organic foods can be less expensive and healthier for us. Synthetic chemicals and fertalizers used  by many farmers are harmful to humans.

Most healthy types of food can be expensive and if you want to save on how you spend money on food, the best way is to buy bulk organic foods. Food is grown in so many artificial ways to increase financial gains by the elite.

So the human health is in jeopardy, but they don’t care about what happens as long as they make more money. T

he preparation of conventional foods consists of fertilizers that are petroleum based and genetically modified seeds that are set to grow faster so the crop can be harvested and sold more quickly.

The global food market is packed with these kinds of foods and it is killing the world and Americans are not paying attention.

However, there is a small minority that has caught on to what the elite planners are trying to do and have turned to other alternatives such as bulk organic foods.

No one can say that eating foods with pesticides would be good for a human let alone an animal.

Educating Your Ignorance

No one wants to educate you on the benefits of eating organic foods that are high in antioxidants and will help to lower your cholesterol and put you on a healthy path to longer life.

As long as you are experiencing a slow death and continue to buy into the lie that faster is better, the elite group will continue to play on your ignorance.

It is time for you to learn the truth and to do something about it. Why would Americans put food in their mouth that is of no value to their health?

The simple reason is that they are oblivious to the conspiracy to get them sick so that they can spend more money at the doctors who are in on the conspiracy and the drug company will also benefit from this.

Furthermore, they don’t want you to know that you can buy bulk organic foods to save money on the expensive grocery bill that you have to spend each week.

The elite group also wants to discourage you from buying in bulk because then it will last you longer and you won’t have the need to go to the grocery store for months and it becomes their loss.

Considering the Healthy Choice

They don’t even want you to consider organic foods because it will only limit the money they earn from selling their conventional foods packed with pesticides.

The elite group also knows that if all Americans get a hold of this information and know the health benefits of organic foods, they will all turn to it sooner or later and then the cost of it would go down and there would be no need for some of their conventional foods.

Foods that are fertilized and packed with pesticides does harm the environment and are only an economic abuse of the innocent people who buy into this lie.

The idea that purchasing bulk organic foods will keep you from choosing some of the other conventional foods on the grocery store shelves continues to be a threat to the elite.

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