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Call to Freedom in the USA

A Call to Freedom is Needed Today in the United States as the Elite Continue to Work Toward World Government.

A call to freedom must be made to all Americans concerning the need to work against those working toward world government.

It’s time to turn off the TV boxes that pump lies and propaganda into our minds. It’s time to research and understand the agenda of the international banking cabal.

Then, it’s time to get involved on a local level in your town and peacefully combat those involved with the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) conspiracy.

It’s time to get inside the school system and reject curriculum that dumbs our children down and helps them accept a coming police state environment.

It’s time to get involved in local government in order to combat the proposed unconstitutional laws that work to undermine the United States Republic.

It’s time to teach others the elite agenda and how to recognize what is really going on behind the scenes.

If you don’t know the agenda, it’s time to finish reading this article and to then review more articles you’ll find on this website.

Only when you educate yourself and free yourself from the “mind prison” the elite have entrapped you within can you even begin to become “free” and work toward positive change.

You’ll soon find out that at the Debt to Success System – Restoring America’s Freedom is our mission.

Call to Freedom: Quotes that Provide Clues into the Truth

“[The war in Iraq is] a rare opportunity to move toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times…a new world order can emerge.”

– George Herbert Walker Bush

“In our dreams, people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands. The present education conventions of intellectual and character education fade from their minds, and, unhampered by tradition, we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive folk.

“We shall not try to make these people, or any of their children, into philosophers, or men of science. We have not to raise up from them authors, educators, poets or men of letters.

“We shall not search for great artists, painters, musicians nor lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen — of whom we have an ample supply. The task is simple.

“We will organize children and teach them in a perfect way the things their fathers and mothers are doing in an imperfect way.”

– John D. Rockefeller, Sr

“People in the U.S. are going to be hit hard,” (Bob) Chapman warned. “In the severe recession we are entering now, Bush will argue that we have to form a North American Union to compete with the Euro.”

“Creating the amero,” Chapman explained, “will be presented to the American public as the administration’s solution for dollar recovery. In the process of creating the amero, the Bush administration just abandons the dollar.” 

– Analysts: Dollar Collapse

“Today Americans would be outraged if U. N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful!

“This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence.

“It is then that all people of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown.

“When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government.”

– Henry Kissinger, member if CFR, at 5/21/92 Bilderberg Conference in Evian, France

Call to Freedom: Stop Believing in CFR Patsies!

Our Founding Fathers built a Republic in America’s first call to freedom as they made the attempt at guaranteeing personal freedom to all people.

They hoped that our great experiment in self governance would last. They hoped that the People of the Republic would always stay vigilant in their knowledge of natural rights and the great undertaking it took to protect those rights.

That hasn’t happened. As the decades turned into a couple of centuries, Americans began to lose sight of what the old Republic was and what it meant.

They allowed corrupt government officials to usurp the Constitution. We’re now running under a democracy and remember,

“…democracy never lasts long; it soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.”

– John Adams.

The idea that voting in a Democrat will change the negatives of a Republican or vice versa is rubbish once you learn that both the Democrat and the Republican are CFR members.

Yes, the CFR membership list does indeed include both Democrats and Republicans.

This is why, no matter the public rhetoric, both parties have consistently passed legislation such as the Patriot Act, War on Drugs legislation or various Presidential Executive Orders that have slowly turned America into a police state.

“Communism and Fascism or Nazism, although poles apart in their intellectual content, are similar in this, that both have emotional appeal to the type of personality that takes pleasure in being submerged in a mass movement and submitting to superior authority.”

– James A. C. Brown

You need to educate yourself about Globalization and how the elite plan to end America’s sovereignty includes the North American Union and its NAFTA Super Highway.

Will You Respond to our Call to Freedom?

The question now is: “What will you do with this information?” Will you respond to today’s call to freedom?

Will you embrace the truth about what’s really happening to our once great Republic? Will you pass this information to other “sleeping” Americans?

Will you fight to bring true justice and freedom to the world rather than an illusion of liberty?

Or, will you just try to block it out and go on living as if nothing is happening behind the scenes?

What will need to happen to you or your loved ones (besides being taught propaganda, having your paycheck stolen by banking thieves, etc.) before you speak out?

What will it take for you to join the ranks of a growing movement against tyranny?

What America needs right now is more people who will face the challenges that lie ahead.

We need people who will accept responsibility for the idea that we all deserve to be a truly free people. Understand that with sovereignty comes a duty to treat other sovereigns with respect.

We need more people willing to work together rather than emphasizing our differences. Freedom will come when more people are exposed to the truth behind the elite banking cabal that rules the world’s government officials.

This is an education issue. The banksters have had free reign to suck our lives dry for centuries because they’ve been successful at keeping their “subjects” ignorant as to how money is created and loaned into existence.

Many people will initially block your attempts at this type of education. Don’t be daunted in your efforts. Care more about those people than your pride. Understand that they’ve been subjected to a lifetime of propaganda.

“When an American says that he loves his country, he means not only that he loves the New England hills, the prairies glistening in the sun, the wide and rising plains, the great mountains, and the sea. He means that he loves an inner air, an inner light in which freedom lives and in which a man can draw the breath of self-respect.”

– Adlai Stevenson

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