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Blog Category: Energy & Utilities

Consciousness: How To Connect With Universal Energy

The universal energy encompasses the entire universe, and every being residing in it. It shapes every life and directs every being in the universe towards its destiny. To access and harness this universal energy, we must activate our creative mind, and use our cerebral abilities to tap into this perpetual energy source. Our creative mind is different

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Why You Should Eat High Vibrational Foods

While digging into the vegan vs meat-eater argument I learned some pretty interesting things.  Paired with my own spiritual awakening I’d like to explain why I think high vibrational food is beneficial to everyone, not just to reduce animal suffering.  I like to merge science and spirituality anyway I can.  This blog is in no

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3 Mysterious Booms Shake Houses in Pennsylvania, Colorado and Arkansas

Mysterious booms rattling your homes and windows may become the new normal in the USA. Well, they seem to increase in numbers and intensity these days as always more people are being annoyed by the loud booming noises. Either being from underground tunnels, earthquakes, army training or exploding meteors, the thing is that mystery booms

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Our Non-Physical World: Matter is Not The Only Reality

“Despite the unrivaled empirical success of quantum theory, the very suggestion that it may be literally true as a description of nature is still greeted with cynicism, incomprehension and even anger.” (T. Folger, “Quantum Shmantum”; Discover 22:37-43, 2001) The quote above is a great example that lets the reader know one thing; that new information

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Our world is deeply colored by these cartels, and they impact every area of our lives, constantly maneuvering to make more and more dependent on them for our needs. Americans have been programmed to fight amongst themselves along partisan political lines, always pointing the finger at the other side of the phony left-right paradigm. Divide

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Pollution! It’s a trendy but gloomy word designating something most people try to avoid contributing to, but not many folks realize what causes it and how it affects them. by Catherine J. Frompovich Humans and technology are the primary contributors to ALL pollution, either inadvertently or deliberately. Manufacturing processes; obtaining raw materials and resources (mining

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