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Blog Category: Globalization

The Method of Sterilization Used by the Elite in Order to Control The Population of The Non-Leadership Class Has Attained an Appealing Media Image. The elite have also used some method of sterilization in order to pursue a eugenics agenda intended to control the population. Eugenics is the pseudoscience used to create a perfect race

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The Military Controls the Mapping Global Positioning System. There are many uses to mapping global positioning system using satellite tracking.  This technology was first used by the military for tracking assets and in tracking the movements of foreign suspects.  It was also used in mapping for navigation for military applications.  Gradually, the technology was introduced

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Live Satellite Pictures Are an Effective Distraction the Ruling Class Elite Uses to Redirect Americans’ Attention From Their True Agenda, Monitoring Individuals. Live satellite pictures serve the elites by not only distracting us from their nefarious deeds, but also by tracking activities deemed “dangerous” – in other words, people who take a stand against the

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Male Sterilization is a Tool That the Elite Use in Order to Get Rid of Those That They Find Less Desirable. By using male sterilization, the elite are able to pursue their eugenics agenda as a part of creating a New World Order. After World War II, most of the world has turned it’s back

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The Laws on Wiretapping Aren’t Well Understood and Don’t Benefit the Public.  The laws on wiretapping were originally established to allow the government to monitor foreigners who may have been plotting against the United States. Many of them were first written during the Cold War, and they expressly forbid the use of wiretapping against American

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Manipulate George Bush: Bush is a Pawn of the Global Elite and Their Agenda of World Domination.  Global elite manipulate George Bush?  The manipulation of former President George Bush is exactly what happening during the entire Bush administration.  Bush was the working puppet of the elite and was put into the White House to manipulate

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