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Blog Category: Government

The Social Displacement Caused by Our Suffering Economy. Social displacement is on the rise in our society today.  More than ever before folks have to take to living in the street as there is no other choice.  But key to this situation is our own lack of awareness as to the real cause.  The Council

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Socialism and Barack Obama Mean Income Distribution and the Forced De-Stabilization of the Free Market Economy for the Sole Benefit of the Banking Elite. Socialism and Barack Obama mean income distribution. The U.S. is in a dangerous place today as a segment of our population has determined in their greedy brains that it is the

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Socialism and Capitalism, Till Death Do They Part? One thinks of socialism and capitalism as being at war with each other throughout the 20th century, with capitalism coming out on top in 1991, with the fall of the Soviet Union.  This is not really an accurate look at the history of these two important theories. 

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Modern Day Socialism and NWO Tactics Involve Creating Emergency Situations to Deepen the Mass’s Dependence and Acceptance of the Government’s Power in Our Lives. The deepening of the Socialism and NWO threat came when the economy collapsed worldwide and none of the world powers knew what to do with themselves. This left leaders like George

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The Truth Behind September 11 Events. The World is Waking up Fast to the Obvious Truth That the Fall of the Twin Towers Was an Inside Job by the U.S. Government. As time passes there is clear evidence that the September 11 events were not as the official government story would have us believe. The

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The Root of Democracy is Racism and Ignorance.  The root of democracy is said to be based in freedom and equality, but that is a lie that is told so people will support democracy and not realize what it really is. The forefathers of the United States were adamantly against democracy and that was because

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