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Blog Category: Health & Wellness

The Global Drug and Pharmaceutical Industry as Part of the NWO Plan Has Killed Many Patients Who Took Prescription Drugs in the Hopes of Getting Better. The drug and pharmaceutical industry is one of the biggest killers in America today. The third leading cause of death, behind cancer and diabetes, is death from the side

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Why Aren’t Drug Companies Paying Insurance Companies? Drug companies paying insurance companies would expedite a constant flow of money that is processed through the medical industry, and the cost of healthcare would drastically decrease, drug companies are the number one money maker in America, even in a time when our economy is faltering, they’re flourishing.

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The FDA Definition of Dietary Supplement is a Tool of Manipulation Used by the Banking Mafia.  The FDA used to consider dietary supplements to be composed only of essential nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and proteins.  The Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990 added ‘herbs, or similar nutritional substances” to the FDA definition of

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Eating Organic Food And Not Genetically Modified Foods. Eating organic food has become the norm for a small number of American citizens and the other vast numbers are still eating foods that are dangerous to their health. The big agribusiness that is being run by the elite has seen to it that their GM foods

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The Drug Company Profits Compared to the Cost of Manufacturing is Scandalous.  The drug company profits compared to profits of similar size companies in other sectors are simply staggering. As an example, Pfizer’s Chairman made $40.2 million in 2002 alone and this should lead you to imagine the profits these companies make. The role of

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Federal Government Funding of Defense is Similar to That of Medicaid and Social Security in That the Money is Irresponsibly Created Out of Thin Air. Over the last forty years federal government funding of national defense, Medicare and Medicaid, and Social Security have increased enormously. In 2008, the national defense budget was officially a whopping

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