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What is the FDA Definition of Dietary Supplement?

The FDA Definition of Dietary Supplement is a Tool of Manipulation Used by the Banking Mafia. 

The FDA used to consider dietary supplements to be composed only of essential nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and proteins. 

The Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990 added ‘herbs, or similar nutritional substances” to the FDA definition of dietary supplement. 

Congress expanded the meaning of dietary supplement with the passage of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA). 

This expanded the definition beyond essential nutrients to include such substances as ginseng, garlic, fish oils, psyllium, enzymes, glandulars, and mixtures of these. 

The provisions of DSHEA established the FDA ingredients for dietary supplements in efforts to make it easier for them to make false claims and nutritional information. 

They also put harsh restrictions on what claims a manufactures could put on a dietary supplement. 

Most of the restrictions centered on the idea that manufacturers cannot claim the health benefits they truly have for the user. 

This is also to set the groundwork for the FDA and the Codex Alimentarius Commission to make false claims about dietary supplements. 

They outline guidelines for literature displayed where supplements are sold to only be able to make the claims they approved which are slated and corrupt. 

They did all of this under the guise of creating a new framework for assuring safety requiring ingredient and nutrition labeling. 

All of this expansion was part of the banking mafia’s effort to control the sales and distribution of a wide variety of substances that are of great benefit to the masses. 

The FDA is an arm of the criminal banking mafia and other corrupt organizations that are looking to create a New World Order.

Who is Doing this

The FDA definition of dietary supplement was established by more than just the FDA.

Along with the corrupt banking mafia who control the mega pharmaceutical companies and the Codex Alimentarius Commission.

These entities work together to increase their wealth as they take over the masses. 

All of these corrupt entities are looking to create a world without any government borders thus creating a new world order. 

In order to do this they have several plans in place that steal money from the masses in order to control them. 

How are They Doing It

The FDA definition of dietary supplement was altered to be so strict and easy to manipulate by the banking mafia with the assistance of the Codex Alimentarius Commission.

This is an organization that is controlled by the United Nations and the World Health Organization. 

The United Nations work together with the corrupt World Health Organization which is controlled by the pharmaceutical cartel.

They all work together to set global regulations regarding dietary supplements and a variety of drugs used around the world. 

What are They Doing 

The FDA definition of dietary supplement is not the only thing that would be altered if Codex Alimentarius was enforced fully.

Dietary supplements would not be allowed for preventive or therapeutic use.

They would be ridiculously low unless you buy the high potencies from the corrupt. 

You would need a prescription for higher dosages of dietary supplements.

Common food supplements and vitamins could be reclassified as drugs that the pharmaceutical companies would control.

New supplements would go through Codex testing or be banned.

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