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Blog Category: Health & Wellness

Stage-3 Myeloma Cancer Completely ELIMINATED with a Turmeric Supplement – British Medical Journal

For decades, the medical establishment has colluded with the for-profit cancer industry to smear anyone who talked about herbs, spices or superfoods fighting Myeloma cancer. Food doesn’t contain “medicine,” we were told by the dishonest establishment. Only FDA-approved toxic medications can “treat” cancer, the propagandists insisted. Yet millions of people across the globe continued to

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Common Food Ingredients Is Zapping Your Memory Away Leading To Alzheimer’s

One of the world’s most common food ingredients is finally being outed as a big, fat fraud. We hope you are sitting down for this one! This polyunsaturated oil is touted as healthy by the big food industries, fast food industries, the natural health communities (!), and even our regulatory agencies. We’re talking about canola oil! One of the

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Breaking News: FDA Approves Trackable Pill

Regulators in the U.S. have approved the first trackable pill that can be digitally tracked through the body. The pill, about the size of a grain of sand, takes 30 minutes to two hours to detect (the sensor activates when it comes into contact with stomach fluid) and is to be used for treating schizophrenia

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Latest Study on Water Fluoridation Again Links it to Lowered Children’s IQ

What would you think if I told you that there is poison in the tap water? If you’re like some, you might think that there is no way the government could allow that to happen. A new controversial study suggests pregnant women who drink fluoridated water could risk their children’s IQ. However, if you live

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11 Intelligence Killing Foods To Avoid

When it comes to nutrition, it must be mentioned that there are all sorts of foods: some super-foods are your greatest allies against extra pounds, while others stimulate your cognitive function and improve your memory(Intelligence Killing Foods). On the other hand, some foods are known to have a devastating effect on your brain functioning, and

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Thoughts Have Done This To An Apple — Now Imagine What They Can Do To Your Body

We’ve heard it before: our thoughts are powerful. Maybe we’ve even heard that our thoughts are actually creating our reality. But it’s one thing to hear or learn this concept and a completely other to fully grasp what it means and apply it to our lives.  Our thoughts create our reality? How so? This concept was

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