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Blog Category: Health & Wellness

Pollution! It’s a trendy but gloomy word designating something most people try to avoid contributing to, but not many folks realize what causes it and how it affects them. by Catherine J. Frompovich Humans and technology are the primary contributors to ALL pollution, either inadvertently or deliberately. Manufacturing processes; obtaining raw materials and resources (mining

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9 Common Traits Among Happy People (That They Don't Talk About)

By: MARK DENICOLA Happiness: the term is thrown around more often than any other when people are asked what they aspire to most in life. A loving partner is a traits, a fun high-paying job, and endless world travel are also among some of the most common answers, but all of these are preference-based means

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Fat, sick, distracted citizens are easier to control: Children entertainment designed to promote unhealthy lifestyle, scientists discover

by Edward Morgan According to a recent study, parents may need to pay closer attention to the animated movies that their children watch because these films could be “fueling the obesity crisis.” Almost all films for children showcase unhealthy food. Out of all the top-grossing children’s films released in recent years, 87 percent show unhealthy food and all of

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Take Responsibility

I’m tired.  Really tired.  I bet most of you all are too.  Look at the state of the world, the state of the human race, and the state of American society.  It’s maddening.  It’s saddening.  It’s exhausting. Every day I see numerous social media posts with people slurring insults at one another in what seems

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Big Pharma's Origins: The Suppression & Destruction of Natural Medicine

The Move that Changed the Health and Wellbeing Industry I am now 68 and over the years I have relied upon alternative medical solutions for almost all my health problems. A change in diet, herbs, vitamins, minerals and lots of exercise ended up being almost all the Natural medicine I ever needed! In 2010, when

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Vaccine Maker Admits: ‘Our Vaccine Makes People Sick’

Sale of mosquito-borne disease vaccine suddenly halted; ‘Hundreds of thousands of young lives at risk’ (AFP) The sale and distribution of Sanofi’s dengue vaccine have been suspended, Philippine authorities said Tuesday, after the French pharmaceutical giant last week warned it could worsen symptoms for people who had not previously been infected. Vaccines pulled from the market

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