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Blog Category: Money & Banking

To Understand Inflation It’s Vital to Understand the Fraudulent Federal Reserve’s Role in Devaluing Your Dollars. We Must Abolish the Fed to Control Our Money. Today we’re going to define inflation in a non-traditional way. What we mean by that is there are lots of theories running around about what this economic term is, what

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Info About a One World Government. The Illuminati, an enormously rich organization that runs mainstream media, education systems, banks, governments, etc., is a group of powerful conspirators made up mostly of international bankers and are included in much of the info about a One World Government. A One World Government is the idea that a

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The Real Impact of Privatizing Public Services Hurts the Working People of the Country. Only the Elite Benefit and Always at the Expense of the Taxpayer. The impact of privatizing public services has created nothing but economic hardship on the mass population of the world. Once the effort to privatize began, it opened the door

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Improve Credit Scores if You Are Going to Get a Job.  The credit scoring system is a scam, and people all over the world are in a situation where if they don’t improve credit scores they will not have any spending power, won’t be able to get a job and won’t even be able to

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Infiltration Techniques Have Been Used to Seize Control of Government, Pass Unjust Laws and Prepare America for Martial Law. The infiltration techniques that the banking elite have used to overthrow our constitutional government have taken decades of planning and preparation. Now we are on the cusp of their plans, as all they have worked so

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Intimidation Techniques are Used by CPS Workers to Unlawfully Confiscate Children From Their Parents. The intimidation techniques used by Child Protection Service (CPS) workers is any parent’s worst nightmare. The CPS is one of the most profitable businesses in America, and one that is encouraging the confiscation of children without probable cause. Children have become

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