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What Infiltration Techniques Have Been Used?

Infiltration Techniques Have Been Used to Seize Control of Government, Pass Unjust Laws and Prepare America for Martial Law.

The infiltration techniques that the banking elite have used to overthrow our constitutional government have taken decades of planning and preparation.

Now we are on the cusp of their plans, as all they have worked so hard for, comes to fruition. 

The Bush administration acted exclusively on the orders of the inimical banking cabal. 

This is why under their rule we were so suppressed, lied to and manipulated – with more than one tragedy occurring on home soil. 

With Bush came terrorism, an invented threat the likes of which the world had never seen, and war, recession and poverty broke loose. 

Make no mistake, the Federal Reserve caused the recession on purpose in order to gain greater control of the population. 

People without money do not travel, and therefore oil and natural resources are spared, and debt is rapidly incurred. 

The dollar has been devalued, property prices have fallen and America has been put in such extensive debt thanks to Obama’s stimulus plan that we might as well induct David Rockefeller as our president. 

Contrary to Obama’s claims to help save the economy, he has doomed it with continuing Bush’s work for the bankers. 

Infiltration Techniques: CFR Executives Orders

Bush drew up and implemented some pretty despotic executive orders during his rule that now extend to Obama.

The executive branch has more power than ever before and it is all presently in the hands of a man who is owned by the banking elite. 

The CFR worked its magic and somehow got these orders passed.

Orders that hand the country over to the executive branch wholly and entirely if it is ever threatened again, or forced into a state of emergency. 

Seeing as the CFR is an elite organization and our new administration is crammed with CFR members, we can expect this martial law any day now.

Infiltration Techniques: CFR Martial Law

Now as America is threatened on all sides, by “terrorists” by economic collapse, by war – the state of emergency that will bring it to its knees could happen at any moment.

By letting these men of elitist allegiance in power, we have destroyed our nation. 

The executive orders that so threaten us, that have been snuck into policy and downplayed by the media, excused as necessary and praised will imprison us all.

Government, and therefore the money masters will have control of all transportation, media, natural resources, food, health, education, housing and finance. 

They will legally be able to force you to work for them in a work camp, force you to participate in a national register.

All power will go the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency – the bankers. 

Infiltration Techniques: Death Camps

Camps have been created all over America, camps that will eventually be used for mass depopulation and control.

The New World Order will demand the culling of billions of people. Strict martial law will be in place and a harsh despotic agency will rule, accountable to no one. 

Sounds more like the Nazi government than the future of America. It is not a fantasy, it is law written in ink and waiting to be enacted.

With the legislation written, the camps being put in place – can we really ignore this growing threat? 

Halliburton, the elitist energy and construction company has built these camps. Dick Cheney our ex vice president was once the chairmen of Halliburton, and a lifelong CFR member.

Martial law is coming, the final phase in the bankers plans for a one world government.

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