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Cell Phone Spy Surveillance Equipment Dangers

Cell Phone Spy Surveillance Equipment Allows the Government to Watch and Listen to Us Far More Than We Realize or Want. The Police State is Here.

With the current cell phone spy surveillance equipment, gains in technology are opening doors for the government to watch your every move.

The government can now tap into a network at any time and listen to the conversations you have on your cell phones.

There is no privacy in the United States since the passing of the Homeland Security Act and the subsequent bills that gives the government total access over your life.

They know what you are saying to your friends and they are recording your conversations in their master database with cell phone spy surveillance.

With the new technology coming out they will be able to access your cell phone and record video from the camera in the phone.

They will not only have access to your phone calls but video of the locations that you travel and they people that you spend time with.

Big brother is alive and well in the United States and the government wants to know every move that you make and every sentence that you speak.

They are gathering their information and will use it when the day comes and they initiate their master plan to create a police state in America.

Cell phone spy surveillance is the next step in their master plan to have total control over the nation and the actions of the people Majority of the cell phones that are produced today have global positioning systems installed in them with your exact location.

With the government’s access to these systems, they have your location no matter where in the world that you go.

Now they don’t only have access to listen to your calls, they will know where you are at all times that you have your phone on your person.

With a simple insert that is placed in your phone during manufacturing the government has total access to your cell phone. They can intercept your cell signal and they have access to your phone and all functions of the phone.

They can look through your camera phone and listen to your conversation and they are recording this information.

Gathering Information for the Cause

What does the government want to do with this information?

They are gathering all the information they can about you and storing it in a master database that they can later use against you when they create their police state in America.

They need as much information on you as they can get so when the time comes they will be able to lock you up for the things that you said and did that could be construed as anti government propaganda.

They are waiting in the wings and listening with cell phone spy surveillance.

When you join DTSS and your friends and family ask you what is Debt to Success System, you may tell them, we stand for freedom from things like cell phone spy surveillance.

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