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Cell Phones and Solar Flares Don’t Mix

Cell Phones And Solar Flares Don’t Get Along Together, and it Has Nothing to do With Global Warming.

According to the experts, a solar storm is brewing, and people are becoming increasingly concerned about their cell phones and solar flares.

The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) is predicting the current 11-year sunspot cycle will be up to 50 per cent more powerful than the previous one.

This isn’t good news for those who use cell phones. Radio waves that accompany the solar bursts hit cell phone towers, producing static that overwhelms the signal.

This happens with no warning as the radio-energy flashes zoom down at the speed of light, putting mobile phones out of action for anything from a few minutes to a few hours.

So, if you are encountering problems such as dropped calls with your cell phone, you shouldn’t be too quick to blame your service provider.

The culprit is right up there above you in the sky – an angry sun. That’s what’s sparking your cell phones and solar flares problems. Heightened sunspot activity, which produces more sun flares, is also responsible for climate change on Earth.

Pointing the finger of blame for global warming solely at CO2 emissions is a deception cooked up by the wealthy elite who want complete control of the world and everyone in it.

The Illuminati’s influence is spreading like a cancer through our society, eroding our rights and freedoms as they seek to establish a New World Order – the ‘end of nations’.

People like Al Gore and the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have a vested interest in propagating the big carbon con.

The global warming fraud is a two-pronged tool designed to distract people from the real issues in today’s turbulent society while prising money out of folks through hefty taxes imposed in the name of saving the environment, which aren’t, by the way, going to make the slightest difference when it comes to cell phones and solar flares.

Quest for World Domination

Perpetuating the climate change myth makes good sense for the Illuminati on both financial and ideological grounds.

It’s a typical subversive tactic favoured by shady groups such as the Bilderbergers – wealthy bankers and corrupt politicians who greedily eat away at the very fabric of society in their quest for total world domination by a handful of the elite.

Global Warming Message is a Lie

In 2007 Al Gore and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for spreading the word about global warming. Well bully for them! The only problem is that the word happens to be a lie.

Alfred Bernhard Nobel must be turning in his grave. But maybe not – after all, he made his vast fortune by making weapons with whch to kill people. He also invented dynamite.

The Answer Lies in the Sun

Anyway, returning to the subject of cell phones and solar flares, if someone told you CO2 emissions were responsible for those niggling problems with your mobile phone, you’d laugh at them, wouldn’t you?

It’s equally ludicrous to lay all the blame for climate change on the carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. The culprit in both cases is plain for all to see – the sun.

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