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CIA and Bobby Kennedy Assassination

The CIA and Bobby Kennedy Assassination Show Evidence of a Sinister Connection. The Global Elite Routinely Assassinate World Leaders Who Stand in the Way of NWO.

The CIA and Bobby Kennedy assassination seemed to be an open and shut case because of the many eyewitnesses.

But was the charged assassin solely responsible for Kennedy’s death or were there more sinister players involved including the CIA itself?

Kennedy was a man of the people. He would often stay behind and shake the hands of his constituents following his many speeches as he primed himself for a presidential run.

On the night of his assassination, Mr. Kennedy was giving a speech in the Ambassador Hotel ballroom in Los Angeles, California.

After the speech he was running late and chose not to stay, instead he headed through the kitchen to the back entrance of the hotel.

According to the official story, Kennedy was walking through the kitchen when a gunman, Sirhan, rushed him and fired eight bullets, supposedly hitting Bobby three times.

Since the shooting was seen by the kitchen staff and reporters the case looked open and shut. But is this really what happened on June 6, 1968, and was Sirhan the only person who was involved in the Bobby Kennedy assassination?

Much of the evidence shows the fatal shot through Robert Kennedy’s head came from behind and that the gun used was only inches from his head when fired.

This contrasts all witness accounts that the shooter was in front of Kennedy and fired the shots directly at him.

Upon further investigation, video taken on the night of the shooting showed three CIA operatives in the ballroom at the time of his speech.

The CIA operatives were Gordon Campbell, David Morales and George Joannides.

The significance of these three men was that they were all involved in the botched Bay of Pigs operation and held great contempt for the Kennedys. It is also believed they had a hand in killing John F. Kennedy.

From the positioning of the gunman and the autopsy, the shot that killed Kennedy was fired from behind him.

The only conclusion possible is there must have been another gunman in the kitchen that night.

There is also testimony from Robert Walton, Morales’ attorney, that Mr. Morales confessed to him that under CIA orders they killed JFK and Bobby Kennedy.

The LAPD and Missing Evidence

Since the case occurred in Los Angeles and the shooting of presidential candidates was not under federal jurisdiction, the LAPD handled the investigation of the Robert Kennedy assassination.

There were many problems with the investigation including the majority of the evidence was destroyed by the LAPD.

The Los Angeles Police Department simply stated the evidence was too large to store.

This evidence included the door frame and ceiling tiles where the bullets that missed Kennedy were lodged, and more than 2000 photographs taken on the night of the murder.

It was also found that the gun that had been inspected and said to be the murder weapon had a different serial number than the gun that was confiscated from Sihan on the night of the Bobby Kennedy assassination.

Who Killed Bobby Kennedy?

All of the evidence and witness testimony which was not destroyed points to someone other than Sirhan, even though it is he who was convicted for the Bobby Kennedy assassination.

The LAPD helped with a cover up during the investigation and they hurt the chances of ever finding out who the real assassin was.

What evidence there is points to our own elite backed government as the main suspect for the Kennedy assassination.

This information is repeatedly denied and obfuscated by the government in an attempt to make sure no one ever finds the truth.

If they were truly innocent they would be more than happy to have all the evidence out on the open.  

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