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Climate Change or Global Warming

Climate Change or Global Warming. The Warming and Cooling Trends on Our Planet are Naturally Occurring Cycles That Have Been Taking Place for Millions of Years and Will Continue in the Future.

Climate Change or Global Warming is a debate which is raging fiercely among scientists and politicians.

Initially, the entire global warming agenda was born out of the Club of Rome’s report on sustainable living and ‘Agenda 21’.

Many people today believe that this report was completely incorrect in many of the recommendations it made.

The problem with the report, according to many scientists is that the mathematical models used to project population growth into the future were overly pessimistic.

Many people today look at the ”Agenda 21” protocols as nothing more than a mechanism to control the global population.

The main contentions in the debate as to whether we are facing climate change or global warming are pretty simple.

The first is that the Earth has always been warming and cooling at various points throughout history.

There are many theories put forward as to why this is the case.

The most popular of those theories is the argument that the earth does not live in a closed system and is in fact part of the environment of the solar system.

Many scientists go on to point out that periods of cooling and warming have coincided with periods of sunspot activity on the sun.

It’s the Sun, Obviously!

At present, sunspot activity is extremely low and many scientists say that this is the reason that there is a slight warming in the Earth’s atmosphere and environment.

The second bone of contention is that many scientists argue that CO2 levels lag temperature increases by up to 800 years.

Global warming alarmists argue that CO2 increases actually cause an increase in temperature.

Most climatologists agree that this isn’t the case. It will be the first time in recorded history that has happened if this is true.

We can look at the ice records from Greenland to determine whether we currently face climate change and global warming.

Al Gore in his film “An Inconvenient Truth” showed a hockey stick graph which matched the increases in temperature to the increases in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

While this is true, he has the relationship backwards. Carbon dioxide levels increase due to huge increases in carbon dioxide released from the oceans during a warm period.

It is for this reason that the temperature increases first and the levels of CO2 increase after it.

Most Climatologists Agree

Global warming alarmists would have us believe that the temperature is caused to rise because CO2 is trapped in the atmosphere.

Many scientists claim that this simply isn’t true.

The United Nations panel on climate change was the first to draw attention to the perceived threat of CO2 emissions.

Considering that the Rockefellers and many of the oligarchs are directly behind the United Nations, many people today are questioning their motives for imparting such shaky science on to the general public.

Over 30,000 scientists have come out to question the impact of CO2 on global warming and many have been ruthlessly silenced as a result of their stand.

Several have lost their jobs and very few are able to get mainstream media coverage.

On the question of whether we face climate change or global warming, the answer is… we face both.

What is, as yet, undecided is whether or not man-made CO2 emissions have any impact on temperature changes. Many scientists believe they don’t.

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