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Complaints Direct Energy, for Use as Weapons

Iraq Complaints Direct Energy Usage in Weapons is Not the Only Incidence of the Use of Direct Energy Weapons by the United States.

The complaints direct energy weapons have become very common with the United States plans of controlling crime and terrorism.

For many years they were just rumors but the United States Department of Defense has made them a reality by introducing them in Iraq, while they were searching for Saddam Hussein.

The technology of direct energy weapons has been used for torture, interrogation, espionage, warfare and cognitive manipulation.

Most of the Americans are not even aware of this technology as for them it exists only in science fiction movies or cartoons.

In fact it does exist in reality; maybe not as advanced as shown in the science fiction movies but it does and the U.S army has already used it in Iraq.

It might be not lethal but the kind of misery it adds to the life of the target is immeasurable.

Also the army has got control over these directed energy weapons to make them lethal or not lethal, according to their “need.”

People are defenseless against these electromagnetic waves that can alter their brains, without their knowledge or consent.

Though fact of them being non lethal is advertised too much by the U.S army and even if it is true that is not enough for it to be permitted for use on humans.

The complaints direct energy weapon’s use might be rejected on account that they have been used only for the middle east, but the American citizens are soon to become their target.

The electromagnetic waves of these weapons are so high that can fry people’s skin into unbearable pain.

Since the U.S government has been misusing its power for all the wrong purposes and when the crowd and citizenry will stand up to veto or question those actions of state and then these weapons will be used even against the American citizens.

The military call them “harmless”, while they explain their effect,

“…the skin gets extremely hot, and people can’t stand the pain, so they have to move – and move in the way we want them to…”

– Col. Wade Hall

So much for the dictatorial shepherds and the democratic masses!

The U.S. Psychological Operations

The complaints direct energy are also related to the psychological weapons of the United States that were used for the first time in the Gulf War.

Subliminal mind altering technologies were carried on standard frequency broadcasts, in order to alter the mind of the Iraqi soldiers on the soil of Kuwait.

The subliminal system aimed at the brains of these soldiers to make them feel hopeless, scared, weak, etc.

thus making them prone to the attack of the U.S army. These waves actually dictate those feelings to the brains of the target individuals.

It is an abuse to humanity and should be ceased, in case the humanity needs to survive in this world of crime of the states and the hidden CFR/ BiIderberg elite.

Abuse of Technology

The complaints direct energy are there because the technology is abusing and targeting humans.

America has the right to question the entire world for their set of weapons, while it spends the maximum tax money and resources over nothing but acquiring arms and derogatory weapons!

The control of mind by someone else can cause creepy effects over the lives of people.

That someone else is no one but the global elite that makes and chose presidents of countries.

They are the Bilderberg that consist of the European royalty, Wall Street investors, politicians, international bankers, outstanding businessmen and military leaders from around the world.

These people are the one, who have been abusing our every possible right and yet making us live in the make belief world of democracy.

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