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Current Solar Flares Revealed

Are There Current Solar Flares We Should Worry About?

The interesting thing about current solar flares, are they are not predictable.

They don’t punch a time clock and don’t seem to play by any particular rules that scientists can figure out.

There is indisputable evidence of solar flares existence.

The disputed issues pertain to the possibility of the sun sending off a solar flare that will kill the Earth.

Science seems to lean more towards the possibility of a solar flare eliminating the Earth as a mere fabrication of overzealous doomsday enthusiasts.

Do We Need to Worry

Of course there are some real concerns when it comes to solar flares, however the evidence does not support the possibility of the Earth being completely destroyed.

The sun does not appear to be powerful enough to completely destroy the Earth, as of yet.

Although, this does not indicate there will not be any changes in the distant future, which could give the sun ample power to eliminate the Earth completely.

Thankfully, the current solar flares do not pose an imminent threat to us right now, but possibly over the next hundred thousand years or so the story and evidence will change.

Scare Tactics

Quite a large number of individuals are not concerned with the current solar flares warnings because the government has issued so many warnings that only caused serious concern and nothing came out of the warnings.

So, in essence, how are we to be sure we are not being pushed into the same level of fear that was instilled upon us for Y2K?

Although there is no real way to know if we have anything to worry about. The evidence does not seem to support any cause for concern.

From what the test of time and evidence does tell us, we can conclude that there is the possibility of damage, but not of total destruction to the Earth.

Scientist have made mistakes in the past when they have tried to predict the future, so it makes it a little difficult to believe them when they attempt to send us all into a mass hysteria believing we are on the verge of destruction.

The world likely is not going to come to an end in 2012.

Manipulating Us

Working us into a frenzy allows the manipulation to begin. The Global Warming issues, greenhouse gases and human pollution can become more of an issue when we are convinced the end is near.

Therefore, the government and is behind all of the misinformation to create revenue.

Although there is no real evidence to support claims that the current solar flares are going to completely end the world as we know it.

The only evidence that is supported claims we will have blackouts and issues with electronically devices.

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