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Dallas Federal Reserve Bank Control

The Dallas Federal Reserve Bank is Controlled by the Global Elite Banking Cabal to Further Their Agenda For a One World Banking System.

Just like the entire Federal Reserve System, the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank is privately owned and controlled by the criminal banking cabal.

It is through this system Americans have been deceived, controlled and stolen from.

Most Americans are completely unaware of just who owns the Federal Reserve, or the fact that these private owners control everything to do with money in the United States.

Due to the fact that these same people also control most banks around the world, their control extends to just about every corner of the planet.

The American money system is actually a very dangerous system, especially for the citizens.

All people should become educated on how the money system works, as well as how dangerous it is for the freedom of people who live within the United States.

Corruption is the mainstay of the Federal Reserve Banks, including the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank.

The criminal banking cabals that run the Federal Reserve System are far more concerned about increasing their wealth and power than about the good of the nation.

This alone puts the entire system in jeopardy, but when you combine this with the global elite’s plans of New World Order, a dark picture begins to form.

The Birth of the Central Bank

The Dallas Federal Reserve Bank is the result of the Central Bank.

In 1913, President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act, but prior to this, there was a meeting between a few men who decided they were going to chart the financial future of the United States.

It really began in 1910 when these men had a secret meeting. This would later become known as the Jekyll Island meeting.

Those who attended this meeting included Henry P. Davison, senior partner of J.P. Morgan Company, A. Piatt Andrew, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, as well as several other influential and important men of the time.

The purpose of this meeting was to find a way to take over the money system of the United States, and the reason it had to be such a secret is that the entire charade went against constitutional law.

President Woodrow Wilson

President Wilson’s words would seem to indicate that he was manipulated into the move of creating the Central Bank.

“I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men”.

Even from the beginning it was apparent that the banking cabal had big plans for the Federal Reserve, and these plans were not in the best interest of the United States.

Control of the Government

Though it may come as a surprise that the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank, as well as the entire Federal Reserve is privately owned by a fairly small group of wealthy individuals, it is important to realize the implications.

Those who control the money, control the world, which was the motive behind control of the Federal Reserve in the first place.

The Federal Reserve is an important element of the global elite’s plan to impose New World Order on the earth’s population.

World domination by a few sinister individuals is not a plot for a movie, but the reality of the world we are all living in today.

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