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Darwin and Eugenics is a Study in Genocide

Darwin and Eugenics is Leading to Designer Babies and Large Scale Infanticide.

There is a lot of confusion regarding Charles Darwin and eugenics.

Some believe that his philosophy was misunderstood and the process was bastardized by his first cousin Francis Galton, considered the father of eugenics.

Eugenics is the process of using sterilization, either voluntary or forced, to keep a defective genetic line from returning to the next generation of progeny.

The most widespread and horrific experiment of this theory was the eradication of the Jews in Nazi Germany.

So not wanting to be tainted by the blood of genocide, liberals want to portray eugenics as something mad that Hitler did and make sure they steer clear of any discussion of Darwin and eugenics.

In reality, eugenics is a natural derivative of what Darwin theorized in The Origin of the Species.

If his theory of natural selection applies, it must also apply to humans, he suggests this with his theories on humanity’s very existence.

Natural selection being the idea that the stronger animal will survive in any species; this must be true even in humans.

Therefore, eugenics is an idea presented within the species to affect the means to make natural selection possible.

Humans have in essence been using some form of eugenics for millennia.

Certain families have blood lines ravaged by illness, and eventually die out because a decision is made no longer procreate in an effort to kill the defective gene.

If this is true, then it only follows that eugenics would be the only acceptable manner for a conscious species to rid itself of weaker genes.

There can be no other alternative than that Darwin and eugenics go hand in hand.

Eugenics and the World Plan

Government Eugenics

Further, it is assumed by many that the United States, ever the bastion of humanity, would never resort to any type of eugenic program.

This is patently false. In the city of Lynchburg, Virginia at the turn of the century took Charles Darwin and eugenics theory to a very tangible level.

The Lynchburg State Colony housed many people who were considered by state law to be “insane, idiotic, imbecile, feebleminded or epileptic”.

From 1927-1979, these folks were involuntarily sterilized for the betterment of society as a whole.

Even more surprising, this led to miscegenation laws, which prevent races from procreating, and sterilizations were performed in this manner until 1967.

This negates the idea that the federal government would act so far as to perform eugenics on the population.

Modern Eugenics

Though now roundly condemned, the practice of eugenics had advocate all over the political and social spectrum, including President Teddy Roosevelt and Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood.

Since its banishment, eugenics has however taken a new form. A pregnant woman is given a test at about 4 months gestationally called the “triple screen”.

This blood test checks for the presence of certain enzymes which allow obstetricians to determine if the child may have Down’s syndrome or Spinal Bifida.

Routinely this test can be followed up with an amniocentesis to get actual condition of the baby’s genetic makeup.

Then the doctor can encourage the parent to abort the child based on test results.

It remains to be seen, in a day and age of genetic mapping and the need to harvest stem cells, how many people will fall into the governmental trap of saving society by aborting a viable child.

This is where Darwin and Galton should have left well enough alone.

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