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Despite Aspartame Scandal Product Still Sold

The Aspartame Scandal Slows Consumers Use of the Drug. Elites Make Gum & Candy With This Poisonous Sweetener, the Only Option Available; NWO Poisons Kids.

Despite the well-publicized side effects pertaining to the aspartame scandal, FDA officials have failed to remove the drug from consumer approved products.

Aspartame is a sugar substitute commonly found in diet soft drinks and sugarless gum.

Brand-name sugar substitutes containing aspartame are Equal and NutraSweet.

It should not be confused with the sugar substitute Saccharin, which is found in the brand-name, Sweet ‘n’ Low, and is widely used in restaurants.

Unlike Aspartame, Saccharin is recognized by the FDA as causing cancer in lab rats.

FDA officials insist that aspartame, unlike its cousin saccharin, has been thoroughly tested and studied, boasting that it is one of the most tested food substitutes ever approved by the FDA.

Those claims do little to calm the fears of consumers who have read Internet blogs on internet studies that claim aspartame causes serious health issues.

The internet aspartame scandal has linked the drug with serious related illnesses such as systemic lupus, MS and Alzheimer’s disease.

The director of the FDA’s division of evaluations, David Hattan, states ingesting aspartame results in the body producing formaldehyde and methanol, and it formulates substances that in high doses would be toxic.

Additional toxins include phenylalanine and aspartic acid, amino acid based neurotoxic substances than can cause brain damage.

Claims of Safety

Hattan claims while true in high doses, few people suffer from a rare hereditary disease known as phenylketonuria where ingestion of phenylalanine over long periods can be poisonous.

Pregnant women who have the phenylketonurics genetic trait need to use special caution to avoid ingesting aspartame because the level can build up in the bloodstream; it then it passes to the fetus causing serious brain development problems.

Symptoms of Toxicity

Proponents of the dangers of aspartame state symptoms of headaches, blurred vision, depression and slurred speech have been observed.

Additional symptoms listed are memory loss, fibromyalgia, shooting pain in the legs, and loss of equilibrium, with many believing MS is being misdiagnosed and is actually a dangerous level of methanol in the body mimicking MS symptoms.

Whether we believe the FDA or the users, the aspartame scandal has increased the level of research and awareness in the public.

As the debate continues, there are credible physicians who cite the dangers of aspartame.

Dr. Ralph Walton, a Professor of Psychiatry in Ohio University’s College of Medicine, has warned of behavioral problems associated with the depletion of serotonin caused by aspartame.

Adrian Gross, an FDA toxicologist, testified before congress of her belief that aspartame is responsible for brain tumors and cancers.

The details of the report can be located in the Bressler Report, which is the FDA report on Searle.

The Cure

The aspartame scandal is not without a cure, extending hope to millions of people who claim to be suffering from aspartame poisoning.

Detoxification is the agreed upon method of removing a buildup of toxins stored in the liver and fat cells.

The first method is an increased intake of omega 6 polyunsaturated oils, such as olive oil and canola oil, to removed the harmful effects of carcinogens associated with aspartame.

Vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage help speed along the beginning phases of detoxification.

Additional avenues to remove poisonous toxins from the body are the use of homeopathic regimens that include a balanced diet, organically grown foods, spring or well water and regular exercise.

Finally, all research shows detoxifying the liver improves the overall immune system.

Most experts agree that within two months, many sufferers of aspartame poisoning find relief of their symptoms with implementation of these methods.

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