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Drug Companies Profit the More You’re Ill

Drug Companies Profit on People’s Misery. Our American Medical Establishment is Backwards, it is Designed to Sicken the Masses and Make Them Dependent on Poisonous Cures.

Drug companies profit from your illnesses. During the past years, the United States economy has been struggling with unemployment that has reached its highest level in decades.

A record-setting fall of stocks that hit the Wall Street is experienced. Working class of people with families witnesses their savings for retirement and health benefits fading from the horizon.

Regardless the economic crisis that has hit most of the sectors, one sector continued to live and profit.

It is the most massive industry of all time: the pharmaceutical industry.

The number of people infected with all sorts of medical problems increases every day. Cancer, AIDS, and diabetes victims are rising in numbers.

With all this, the drug companies profit most from perpetually treating, rather than curing, people’s illnesses. The pharmaceutical industry is only interested in how to achieve greater profits.

The drug industry’s main profit comes from its unregulated and complex pricing practices, the research priorities, media advertising and investments in the marketing strategies.

The officials and the pharmaceutical companies have a major influence on the medical practitioners, doctors who are there to diagnose the patient and write a prescription.

They are also influencing the lawmakers of the nation with their corporate lobbyists in Washington.

Profit from Fear

The so-called lifesaving drugs have risen in price each year by 15%. The result of this is in 2000, 29% of the U.S. citizens couldn’t fill a prescription simply because they couldn’t afford it.

Major drug companies profit while American families are struggling to gather the money for the needed medicines and treatments.

Has anyone ever thought about the paradox when it comes to our economy and the profits pharmaceutical companies have?

Isn’t it strange that when the economy is sliding down heath industries are getting more money?

It seems the public is getting ill more and more as the days pass. How is this possible?

The depopulation agenda of the elite is the answer to drug company profits.

Too many people are inhabiting the planet and therefore lab-created viruses are released while the people are weakened by unhealthy, processed, and genetically-modified foods.

The common and other vaccines are filled with all sorts of toxins and illnesses and the public is obligated into taking these.

We believe even our children and small babies need vaccinations.

A Nation or Illness

Forced media campaigns for medicaments and prevention vaccines are bombing the common people.

By creating a state of fear, the elite are forcing people to commit to the vaccine procedures.

By creating illnesses and releasing them on the public, people are also forced to get medical treatments and to buy all sorts of expensive drugs.

Lack of knowledge and false information is also helping the depopulation agenda to take its course.

People should live in healthy environment where no chemical based drugs should be needed.

What the nature creates, nature could also heal but this doesn’t apply on the artificially created viruses and illnesses that came from the elite’s labs.

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