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Drug Crime Law Tyranny

Drug Crime Law is Causing More Damage Than Drugs. In Fact, One Might go so Far as to Say Our State, Local and Federal Police Agencies Have Become “Hooked” on the War on Drugs.

Drug crime laws is in dire need of total reformation.

The United States government’s failure, or seemingly willful resistance, to act on this matter amounts to tyranny involving hundreds of thousands of ordinary citizens and their families.

The War on Drugs has transformed into something evil, working against the majority of Americans and certainly not helping people to avoid drug addiction.

Drug laws are weighing down the criminal justice system and getting it embroiled in matters which should properly be regarded as public health issues.

The business of trying to curb the dealing and use of drugs is causing more harm than the substance abuse itself.

At many levels, drug crime law is causing new abuses and more corruption.

Civil forfeiture actually allows the government to profit from illegal contraband.

The proceeds of the sales of these illegal drugs are being used to create yet more drug enforcement agencies.

The monster is self-perpetuating, as the enforcement agencies need to capture more contraband in order to function and proliferate further.

Due process, as is every citizen’s right, is now subservient to the government’s appetite for forfeiture. In other words, the government is thriving on the drug trade.

Americans who have done no wrong are accused of victimless crimes, for which they lose money and property, without even the courtesy of arrest.

States get around local laws that require them to funnel the proceeds of the sales of forfeited drugs to worthy causes, such as education, by invoking federal laws so the war on drugs culture can be strengthened.

Nearly 30,000 drug crime law violations are tried in federal courts each year.

No lesser a personage than Supreme Court Justice William Rehnquist warned Congress a decade ago that the trend to federalize crimes that had traditionally been handled by state courts was a threat to the nature of the federal system.

The unpleasant fact is the warriors against drugs are corrupt themselves.

The government cannot handle forfeiture, but will not own up to this as it has an economic interest in continuing to undertake it, even on the current dubious basis.

The case of Donald Scott is a terrible example of how government forfeiture can be corrupt.

This 62 year old American refused to sell the government his 250 acre ranch, which adjoined federal parklands.

Taking a chance, a narcotics task force invaded his home, supposedly looking for marijuana. In the course of the raid, Scott was shot dead.

No pot was found and his death was ruled as a homicide by the coroner.

A subsequent inquiry revealed that seizure of his property was the real motivation behind the raid.

The Police State

Someone said, quite rightly, that the War on Drugs has turned into the War on Americans (the same has been said about the War on Terror) and the war on drugs has unfortunately done nothing to reduce substance abuse.

Instead, the drug crime law being instituted in America has given the police force (particularly the narcotics forces at state and federal levels) the spur they needed to unleash their fury on the population as a whole, particularly the poor and marginalized.

Why are law enforcement officers able to enter and search a person’s property without a warrant?

Because the lawmakers, and the ruling elite who own them, believe they own all of us. We have to work, buy, and comply with the will of the authorities.

The war on drugs is simply an exercise of control.

Politics and Drugs

Political expediency and greed is creating restrictive and repressive rules and regulations, and a police force that regularly acts on the wrong side of the law.

Over 60% of all people incarcerated in America (that means over one million people as there are about 2.3 million in total) are in prison on drug-related charges, which are inherently victimless crimes.

The current drug crime law seems to be aimed at blacks and Hispanics. A majority have been underprivileged since childhood. If there is not a political motivation behind all this, it’s hard to believe.

The oppression and force against the lower class slaves helps to keep the more educated and influential slaves in their place.

The poor remind the well-to-do they should be thankful for their privileges, they owe the globalist elite-owned pseudo-capitalist system their respect and loyalty.

If they step out of line, nothing can stop the government from taking everything away from them.

Truth or Tyranny

Some commentators have rightly asked whether the War on Drugs is the beginning of tyranny.

The United States is certainly starting to look like a police state and the war on drugs has turned into a social disaster for America.

The government has the responsibility to salvage the Constitution by abolishing civil forfeiture, suspending the War on Drugs, releasing those incarcerated for victimless crimes, and placing the drug problem squarely in the public health arena where it belongs.

Doing so however, would mean betraying and disobeying their corporate and banking rulers.

The alternative is to see the entire American justice system evolve perpetual tyranny against the American people.

Each citizen must decide whether to protect the status quo which supports the corrupt banking, business, and political elite or to protect freedom and liberty.

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