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Each New Tea Party Held on April 15, 2009 was a Statement of Freedom from Unfair Taxes

All Around America a New Tea Party Represents Renewed Commitment to Ameican Independence from Unfair Taxes.

In 1773, 150 patriots boarded three ships that belonged to the East India Tea Company and dumped hundreds of cases of tea into the Boston Harbor. 

This was no act of vandalism. 

It was a deliberate act of civil disruption that was targeting setting off a firestorm of change due to unfair taxation policies. 

That firestorm of change became what we now call the Revolutionary War. 

Today there is a new tea party that is exploding all over the nation and it is designed to set off a firestorm of change as well. 

Just as the Boston Tea Party was a groundswell people’s movement that rose up to cast off government burdens on the people through revolution, these modern day tea parties will accomplish that same goal. 

But the difference is a new tea party is not designed to reject the domination of a far away foreign power. 

Instead, they seek to stop the tyranny of the American government from creating a tax burden on Americans and their children and grandchildren due to the foolish bailouts that have been going on since the summer of 2008. 

In all, over 140 tea parties took place on April 15th, 2009 – tax day. 

They happened all across this nation in parks and public spaces to make as statement that the people of this nation are going to take their country back. 

It was an unprecedented outpouring of outrage to what the new administration is doing. 

That is even more surprising considering the new administration has been in office for only a couple of months and seems to enjoy high popularity ratings. 

Tea Party Protests Planned on Tax Day

What Tea Parties are not! 

As might be expected, these citizens movements were downplayed and ridiculed by the media who are no more than pawns in the hands of the international cabals that would seek to enslave Americans with taxes. 

These new tea parties were represented as nothing more than a manufactured event by the right wing talk radio circuit and that the only real outcome would be an increase of listeners for Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and others. 

The media wanted to convince Americans that only right wing extremists were going to show up at tea parties all over the nation. 

What surprised the media and anyone paying attention was that the people who came out to express protest against unfair taxation were from every political party. 

There were democrats, moderate republicans, independents and a good representation of people who never even heard of the big names of talk radio. 

These new tea parties were genuine movements that were not just one-time events. 

They were the beginning of a new American revolution. 

Dangers Ahead

Naturally, as the excitement of the success of so many tea parties created a big question at the end of the day. That question is where to go from here. 

It will be the challenge for the leaders of this movement to guide it to reach its goals without going down paths that will cause the people’s movement to falter. 

Moreover, effort must be made to look out for those who would infiltrate the tea party movement to embarrass it and misbehave at future events to draw media attention and misrepresent the goals of these rallies. 

The enemy is crafty. But the spirit of American independence has faced down similar enemies in the past. And as happened in 1776, America will prevail again.

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