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Elite Agenda Against Family Social Values Harming America

The War on Family Social Values is Crumbling Societal Structures Intentionally. 

All over America, there is a serious war being waged against family social values.

This war is being largely ignored by the mainstream press, except for the days when they bemoan the rise in teen pregnancies, the rising STD levels and the increasing numbers of single parents, all of which clearly cries out for governmental intervention.

Yet the government has already had plenty to do with creating this fine kettle of fish, thanks largely to the efforts of the shadow elite who have been working for decades to shred the fabric that holds American families together. 

The elite need societal disruption and unrest to enact their agenda of control, and they have found that strong and healthy families are just flat-out too adept at resisting their efforts to get everyone to rely on the state for everything.

Children of healthy families tend to be well adjusted, which means they don’t need counseling by government therapists and they don’t need drugs from the elite pharmaceutical multinationals.

Strong family social values also prevent crime, drug abuse and violence, eliminating the need for hundreds of policemen, community development agencies and neighborhood watchdogs. 

Healthy, intact families tend to prosper, too, getting them off the government dole and creating lots of private charitable works that eliminate the need for government public services organizations. 

This kind of thing simply can’t be allowed to continue.

Down at the School

With women as taxable entities and children safely away from their parents in school, the elites are free to wage their war on family social values 8 hours a day with the youth of America.

Kids get 40 hours of indoctrination a week at school… and how much time with harried working parents? 

Schools teach behavioral norms and sexual habits that run directly counter to the traditional moral teaching of a Christian nation.

Even less religious are shocked to find their elementary school children know about condoms and the secrets of the birds and the bees.

Even worse, while schools are encouraging the kinds of promiscuous and counter-productive co-dependent behaviors that ensure a nation of insecure, unstable victims, they are teaching children that their parents are uninformed idiots who should not be listened to under any circumstance. 

Disrupted Values Chain

The result of this war on family social values is a disrupted values chain that the elite and the government agencies they control can co-opt and manipulate at will.

It is a nation with broken homes, pregnant teens and failed relationships littering the landscape. 

It is a nation that is and will be dependent on a number of government services for life, which is perfect for the elite.

They are systematically undermining the old pillars of an ordered society to create vulnerability and chaos they can exploit.

Families and individuals that want to survive and resist the coming New World Order need to make sure they are strong in their personal values and able to spot the machinations of the elites so that they can resist them.

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