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Entertainment Music News Today

Who Cares About Entertainment Music News?

Entertainment music news does a good job of distracting the masses from what really matters.

If the average reader was able to avoid the latest flashy news report covering the newest fabricated star, then he or she might tune into what is actually happening in this nation.

The rights of the people afforded and protected by the Constitution are under attack.

In 2005, then-President George Bush helped to launch the plan to create the North American Union.

If successful, this new power will render the Constitution null and void as the United States itself will cease to exist.

Genetically modified foods continue to line the shelves of every market as the same elite driving the mass food production in the country also owns the companies that distribute this food.

The countless stories covering meaningless events take attention away from this alarming news and from the fact that the federal reserve itself is not a federally owned agency at all, but instead owned and controlled by international banking powers.

This attack is growing and it is targeting the very things that Americans hold dear, including freedom to pursue life and happiness.

Providing the Perfect Distraction

As the songs and movies download onto iPod Nanos, consumers are prompted to notice the latest postings on their favorite sites.

These postings rarely have anything to do with what is actually happening to change their future.

Instead, they suck them into reading more and more about the latest in entertainment music news to continue to distract from current events.

While reading these latest posts, how many are actually aware or even concerned that the Patriot Act is alive and well and that surveillance of their activities is not only possible, it is probable?

Ignorance is Bliss

Some say and even believe that the less they know about what is happening in the world, the less they have to worry about. After all, what is life if it is wrought with fear?

The downside to such thinking is that entertainment music news helps to create a false sense of reality and when the affects of current events actually come to light, American citizens will be caught completely by surprise.

The only consolation is that these same individuals may be too distracted to notice.

What It Means for the Future

In the economy today, there is already evidence of the role that entertainment as a whole is playing in distracting the nation as a whole.

Consider the financial crisis facing banks today, the potential downfall of the US automotive industry and the need for stimulus dollars.

Moving forward, US citizens are apt to view a complete change in the environment as they know it if they stop absorbing entertainment long enough to pay attention to the realities surrounding them.

Chances are that once reality strikes, it will be too late to do anything about their circumstances and the powers behind the media that drive the entertainment industry will have succeeded with the diversion.

The distraction allows the consolidation of legal power for the elite tyranny to dispense with the democratic charade and let fascism reign.

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