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EPA Environmental Protection Agency

EPA Environmental Protection Agency Pushes Corrupt Science on the American Public Whose Health it is Supposed to Safeguard. 

In recent years, the environmental movement has been hijacked by politicos working for the international banking mafia. 

The real leaders of the “green” movement are filling the heads of the public with lies and half truths in order to advance the totalitarian New World Order Agenda of the banking mafia.

“Basically, they are using sensation, misinformation, and scare tactics .”

– Patrick Moore, ecologist, lifelong environmentalist, and a founder and former president of Greenpeace 

A 1991 Danish Meteorological Institute study on sunspots found evidence that the sun goes through cyclical changes in its production of sunspots. 

The resulting cooling and warming periods caused by the sun are experienced on planets throughout the Milky Way. Earth is not alone in its current climate change issues. 

While some reports suggest that global warming might be a result of CO2 emissions and greenhouse gases, there is scientific evidence that indicates the current warming trend is merely a result of a natural warming and cooling cycle that has taken place for millennia. 

Just as the seasons change from year to year, the global climate also changes over the course of decades and centuries, regardless of human activity. 

The international banking mafia has good reason for pushing climate change legislation despite criticism from the scientific community. 

The presentation of human beings and CO2 as the sole causes of global warming is a sham designed to generate corporate profit and control the public. 

The Bilderberg Group-led banking mafia has infiltrated all aspects of American government. 

The Bilderberg group pulls the strings at the EPA Environmental Protection Agency. 

Corrupt EPA administrators twist the results of “scientific” studies in order to push public policy in a direction that is beneficial to the banking mafia. 

The profits generated for this so-called “elite” group are used to advance their totalitarian New World Order Agenda.

Warmer Days Past

The current global warming “crisis” is nothing compared to the Medieval Warming Period between the 9th and 14th centuries when global temperatures were even higher than now. 

The difference is there was no global banking mafia ruled EPA Environmental Protection Agency then to use global warming as a ruse to generate profits. 

Truth or Hype? 

Global warming has been a hotly contested debate in recent years.

Mainstream media would have Americans believe global warming is entirely their fault, but how much of this is true, and how much is hype? 

The EPA Environmental Protection Agency uses fraudulent scientific practices to support claims about global warming. 

Quack Science Rules

Current EPA Environmental Protection Agency supported “scientific evidence” is based on quack science whose true intent is to generate profit for the global banking mafia. 

This practice has portions of the scientific community up in arms because of the corruption of the peer review process that takes place.

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