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EPA Standards Explained

Why EPA Standards Aren’t All They Appear to be.

The world is much more confusing than many people give it credit for.

We all assume that the government of America is working with our best interests in mind.

The government however doesn’t care about us. The only thing that the government cares about is making sure that the banking mafia is happy.

The banking mafia run all of the central banks in the world. These banking families have infiltrated every single organization on the planet.

Even one of the founding fathers was advised by a Rothschild agent – one of the banking mafia. Everything happens for a reason but it’s nothing to do with fate.

The banking mafia have decided exactly what happens and just need to make us understand why it will happen.

The EPA or Environmental Protection Agency is designed to help us live in harmony with the environment.

They are a scientific body which should use proper research to determine what we should do.

The banking mafia is desperate to control our every move. At the moment they can’t just tell us what to do; they need to carefully manipulate our beliefs.

Learn about EPA standards and you will be able to see that there is something very wrong about this organization.

The idea is that it should use scientific principles to decide on policies. The EPA however doesn’t actually use scientific principles.

EPA Standards

The EPA is a government organization which is responsible for deciding on various policies. EPA standards are not as strict as many people assume.

The idea is that the scientific research will set the policies so that they are in our best interests.

However the banking mafia’s objectives are allowed to affect the EPA research.

EPA is a corrupt organization which is only interested in making sure that we accept the demands of the banking mafia.

Global Warming

Global warming is one of the biggest scams of all time. It’s all made possible because the EPA tell us that it’s dangerous.

The EPA should tell us that global warming is not scientifically proven, it is actually a theory.

Lots of scientific research has shown that the temperatures are not changing more than expected.

Even so EPA standards tell us that it’s something we should be very cautious about.

The EPA silenced one of their own scientists who tried to suggest that global warming wasn’t real.

If global warming was real then they should welcome a debate so they can prove their theory.

Science needs debate and a freedom of information, for some reason the EPA are restricting the flow of information.

World Trade Center Dust

Another time that the epa lied to us is about dust after the world trade centre attacks. The world trade center’s collapsed which released tones of dust into the air.

This was breathed in by millions of people including rescue workers. The EPA told us that this was nothing to worry about.

However they have recently admitted that samples actually contained asbestos. Asbestos causes cancer and is very dangerous.

The EPA lies to us all of the time to ensure that we never learn the truth about anything.

They don’t really care about us and never will do. Ask questions to find out what’s really happening.

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