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Examine Countries that Have Used Socialism

Many Countries That Have Used Socialism Have Fallen Prey to Totalitarianism. State Boundaries Meant to Protect Us Often Turn Into Walls of a Prison Camp.

Countries that have used socialism are the very same countries that American political agendas have sworn to protect us against. What direction are we headed now?

Now in the wake of the banking mafia’s front man, Barack Obama, we are in line to be the next People’s Republic of China.

Funny how the Western world is the enemy to these people and we are adapting their political policies.

The government control over every aspect of society from entertainment to nourishment will be in the hands of our government in the upcoming decade.

The socialist views that Barack Obama brings to the table are scary to anyone that has a working brain in their head. These massive bailouts that taxpayers are going to be paying back for a lifetime is the very first step in the Obama socialist process.

The guidelines of the bailouts are set up so when these multinational corporations are not able to improve their profit margins the US government can come in and take over big business.

This is the essence of socialism and we are letting it happen across the entire country as we see the government involved in every business, industry, and corporation.

The puppet masters who are manipulating our political leaders are conquering the global market in an attempt to assume complete control over it.

They are systematically breaking down the world economy so they can buy up stock in these companies for practically no cost.

They already dominate the agriculture, medical, and broadcasting industry and it would appear this is not enough to control and plunder the people of the world.

Countries that Have Used Socialism to Gain Control

China censors their education and teachings to reflect that the Western world is full of evil and monstrous characters.

While this can not be argued with a majority of the Western world is not this way, only our leaders are a majority of murdering, thieving criminals.

We are doing the same thing to the people in the Middle East because of a fantasized “War on Terror” that is not real.

China is a socialist state and so is the United States of America. We are being promised a safer tomorrow if we give up all of our freedoms and let them keep us safe from terror.

Real Terror Lies in Government Systems and Practices

Countries that have used socialism can all be compared to the US. People who are so quick to believe everything our government says are the people who make calling out our elected officials so difficult.

The US government is causing more death and terror than any terrorist network ever throughout history.

American politics is responsible for the deaths of millions of people with countless meaningless wars that are doing nothing but helping the interests of a wealthy select few we call the banking mafia.

They are consuming everything they can for their own personal gain and leaving a trail of death and deceit.

Banking Mafia Ready to Instill Global Enslavement

Countries that have used socialism have always been targeted by American politics as being bad.

We preach about the glory of capitalism and democracy while we are transformed into a socialist state.

The new front man for the banking cabal is making their socialist dream a reality.

People are ready to blindly follow Barack Obama through a mine field and unfortunately we are going to end up with socialistic practices and systems once we make it to the other side.

The combination of big brother into everything is not the answer to what’s wrong with the world.

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