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Executive Branch Exists to Do what, Actually?

If the Executive Branch Exists to Serve Americans, Citizens Aren’t Getting a Fair Deal.

Looking out over the economic carnage and then looking toward the White House, citizens may be asking themselves what the executive branch exists to do.

The President has been promising to fix things, to make everything better and to generally serve as the cure for what ails America.

He makes these promises with the utmost sincerity and with a very serious expression on his face. 

He is 100% serious and he means business, people. So he’ll just have to pardon the laughter from the peanut gallery. 

Back up out of the limelight, in the nosebleed section where real Americans can afford to sit, all his promises sound so earnest they’re funny. 

He doesn’t mean to be funny, of course.

It’s just that if the executive branch exists to fix problems, the job its been doing over the years is laughable. 

Regulations choke businesses and innovation, while special executive orders confuse justice and remove civil liberties at the stroke of a pen.

Yet each new administration ladles on more and more laws, crippling America under the weight of all these “solutions”.

Congress just lets it happen, leaving citizens to raise the alarm and stick up for themselves.

Expanding Powers = Diminishing Returns

From the perspective of the citizenry, the executive branch exists to serve as a figurehead and spokesperson of the country.

Oh sure, there are the special executive powers and that bit about commanding the military, but many do not realize the extent of the power of the executive branch. 

That is, until they try to accomplish something and hit a regulation. Originally, executive orders were rare and powerful.

Yet as time went on, the expanding power of the executive branch caused more trouble with fewer benefits. 

If the executive branch serves the country, then one might think a powerful executive branch would be a good thing.

Unfortunately, power corrupts. Recent Presidents like Clinton, Bush II and Obama have taken the power of the executive branch and used it to advance specific agendas. 

Health care “fixes”, wars on terror and “stimulus” packages are all examples of governmental boondoggles.

There is no public servant in the White House only a power hungry politician out for more money and more power for his special causes and cronies. 

Throw the Bums Out 

Perhaps it’s time to remind the powers that be the executive branch exists as one part of a three part system.

Let everyone who will listen know that the President isn’t the center of the universe, and he certainly won’t be able to fix any problems by throwing more government at them. 

Americans are better off with a weak government who is afraid of the people.

Instead of fawning over the President like he’s the second coming of Christ, the public needs to treat the President and the members of Congress like the regular bums they really are. 

It’s not right to let these bums dictate how life will be in America that’s the job of the people and the people alone. Demand to have a government that serves the people!

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