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Facts of Global Warming Distorted

Are the Facts of Global Warming Telling us What we Need to Know or Are we Being Misled? 

Global warming is a subject that is becoming hotter and hotter with time, never showing any signs it intends to cool down, which is what the subject of global warming is actually all about.

The facts of global warming we are being fed regarding global climate change may not be all of the information that we need, but rather we may be receiving only enough information to act in the way they want us to act.

What we are being told is that global warming and global climate change are both capable of being stopped, but only if we act in a certain way. 

This typically involves paying greater taxes and taking action through spending more and more money every year on this campaign to stop global warming.

But could it be possible global warming is actually a worldwide hoax designed to incite this kind of action for no reason other than to collect more money from average consumers to pad the pocket books of the global elite?

If global warming was in fact a hoax or a fraud of some kind, rather than a global climate issue that could potentially bring about the destruction of the world as we know it, shouldn’t we know the truth?

Here are the facts of global warming that the global elite are trying to keep from you, and what you can do to make sure the truth comes out about what global warming is truly about.

Facts of Global Warming

This just in: The world is getting warmer, apparently as a result of manmade causes that are still capable of being reversed.

Is this really the truth about global warming, or are we possibly being misled for some type of greater purpose?

Our global history is proof that climate change is normal and not some indicator the world is going to end, or that we are dooming ourselves to irreversible climate change. So why is global warming such a big deal?

The truth is this: We are being led to believe global warming is an irreparable, irreversible process that we unwittingly caused, as a method of getting us to throw money into anti-global warming processes that are really only designed to incite action. 

While there is proof the global climate is changing, there is absolutely no proof that it is changing permanently, or changing in a negative way.

Global Warming Warning

There are a number of different causes for changes in the climate on a global scale, and none actually spell certain disaster.

Why, then, are we being told to panic about global warming and its impact on the world unless it is part of the global criminal elite’s agenda to overthrow our nation?

The facts of global warming are simple: We are being manipulated into thinking that something is happening when it really is not as bad as we’re being led to believe.

This is designed to create a common enemy and keep our thoughts away from the upcoming New World Order.

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