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Federal Credit Reporting Agency Revealed

The Elite Use the Federal Credit Reporting Agency to Control the Masses by Convincing People They Need Debt to Keep Their Credit Rating High.

The Federal Credit Reporting Agency is a myth with one purpose: to spread fear based on the boogey man.

The Federal Reserve Banking System is proof our money is not real.

Only a fraction is ever printed and yet we are enslaved to the repayment of trillions in debt.

Money originated in order to keep a market system operating without having to haul your chickens, cows and corn everywhere you went.

Money is called ‘currency’; it is meant to flow, like water in a river.

The practice of stockpiling money started a trend that has lead to the current consumer credit disaster in today’s market.

But the Federal Credit Reporting Agency says it is here to help, through consumer education, since it must be the public’s ignorance that has them “in trouble”.

A massive push for credit over the past few decades had the objective of creating huge amounts of debt for consumers, small businesses and independent banking, and it worked like a charm.

The current state of affairs in the average citizen’s bank account, as with the housing market collapse and exorbitant credit card interest rates, is a carefully laid out plan of attack on the consciousness of man.

It all has to do with the banking elite and their striving for complete financial control.

Your FICO Score, Does It Matter?

How is your personal worth determined by the Federal Credit Reporting Agency? In 1958, Fair, Isaac and Company developed a computer-based credit scoring system (FICO).

Today the FICO scoring system they developed is used by most credit card companies, banks, landlords and even employers to determine your worthiness as a client or even as an employee.

What has happened as a result of this and other scoring systems like it, is a measuring device for human worth.

In everyday life, the Federal Credit Reporting Agency uses a computer-based numbering system to decide whether or not to extend credit and at what interest rate, what type of loan you may have and even whether you will be employed.

This numbering system assigns a score to your name, based on your history. You are then labeled as either excellent, risky or someplace in between.

Federal Credit Reporting Agency Measurements

Today, there are hundreds of companies with endless methods for “repairing your credit score”.

The global banking mafia is using this score that has nothing to do with how hard you work and does not take circumstances into account.

Rather, it deals with broad strokes, supposedly to eliminate risk for lenders and employers.

Beginning as far back as 1972, the IRS began using this system to determine who to audit.

People in all walks of life are losing sleep tonight and every night because of a number.

It is a three-digit number that the banking mafia are using to debase and dehumanize people.

No matter what occurs in a person’s life, they are never only the sum of a number crunching system.

A person is much more than that, but is reduced on paper to a risk factor based number by which people have decided to determine their worth.

The Number is a Banking Mafia Farse

In the real world, the Federal Credit Reporting Agency is meaningless; that is, in a world where a person is measured by who he is, not by a very limited credit history.

Credit worthy has been shortened to just ‘worthy’ in the world where a person is a person, not a number.

Even with all of the calculations, the algorithms that are said to go into determining where you fall on some credit scale, everything is made up and theoretical.

It is all a big game that is being played on humanity. The global puppeteers that sit behind the Trilateral Commission, the CFR, the Bilderberg Group and others, are thrilled to watch as humanity reduces its worth to a simple, fantasy based number which they control.

Whether a bill was paid on time or not has nothing to do with personal worth.

There are still places in the world where a person can walk out of his door, pick or catch his meal and sit around a campfire talking with friends and loved ones, and that is all.

Whatever happens to you on paper, take a minute to look in the mirror and look long and hard before you decide to give in to the game.

You are not a number. You are a human being. Don’t let the men who want to run this world convince you otherwise.

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