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Federal Reserve Bank Chairman NWO Elite

The Federal Reserve Bank Chairman is Not Publicly Elected. Elite Bankers Who Put Him Into Office Are Power Players Who Run the World From Behind the Scenes.

The Federal Reserve Bank chairman is not publicly elected, yet he holds one of the most powerful positions in America.

Ben Bernanke, the current Fed president, is ranked the fourth most powerful man in the world.

The American people did not elect him, he was appointed by President George W. Bush.

Now, the Obama administration has promised that our economy will recover with economic stimulus and bailout packages, but the real power lies in the hands of the owners of the Federal Reserve who are the real money manipulators.

Obama cannot make these economic promises because he doesn’t have the power to change anything when it comes to our economy.

In reality, Bernanke is more powerful than our democratically elected president.

Even though Obama is also a puppet of the banking elite at least he went through the process of getting elected.

Bernanke is chairman of the Federal Reserve, our nation’s economic powerhouse, the private bank that sets and regulates our country’s monetary system and policy.

The Federal Reserve is a private, for profit organization run by corrupt individuals set on a New World Order.

The Federal Reserve is entirely unconstitutional and our Founding Fathers warned against the dangers of central banking institutions. 

Our Constitution is clear about who should be creating and controlling the money–it is the sole duty of Congress.

However, Congress surrendered our freedom to the Federal Reserve in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act. 

The Federal Reserve has systematically devalued our dollar and destroyed our economy through endless printing and lending with interest.

We are enslaved to the elitist banking cabal, and so is our puppet presidency.

Federal Reserve Bank Chairman History

“I sincerely believe that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies…

“If the American people ever allow the private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and the corporations that grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”

– Thomas Jefferson, Founding Father of America. 

In 1910, a meeting of the world’s seven richest men was convened on Jekyll Island off the coast of Georgia.

The investment interests of the Rothschilds, Schiffs, Rockefellers, Morgans, Warburgs and others were represented in this covert meeting. It was here that the Federal Reserve was conceptualized.

America endured the American Revolution, the Civil War, the artificially induced financial panics of 1873, 1893 and 1907, and in our country’s defeated state the American people were made vulnerable to the fraudulent idea of a central bank. 

Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Power

The Federal Reserve is neither federal nor is it a reserve. Rather it is a group of privately owned banks that are made to appear like a government organization.

The original stockholders in this central bank all have Illuminati familial ties.

After the Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913, Congress handed over all monetary authority to the Federal Reserve.

Since then, the Fed has been manipulating the monetary system via artificial inflation and deflation, thereby devaluing our dollar and ensuring our country’s economic enslavement to debt.

Ben Bernanke was appointed as chairmen of the Fed by former president Bush, and is undoubtedly the elitist choice.

The truth is that the shadow government, the Bilderbergs, the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations, make all federal government decisions behind closed doors.

These organizations are made up of the elite banking families. Bernanke was selected by Rockefeller and his cronies.

The Federal Reserve Bank chairman will support the unregulated elitist scheming toward the collapse of our economy, a global currency and finally a New World Order totalitarian regime.

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