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Federal Reserve Bank Note System

The Federal Reserve Bank Note System Seeks to Oppress the Poor so the Rich Can Gain More Power and Control and Form Their One World Government.

The Federal Reserve is the central bank of the United States, and the Federal Reserve bank note system is how they control the economy.

The Federal Reserve, or “Fed,” is the bank for the federal government and it is in control of the US money supply.

In spite of the fact that it has such close ties with the government, the Fed is a private bank and it has never been audited.

Although critics of the Federal Reserve are often dismissed and defamed as kooks or conspiracy theorists, the little bit that is known about the actions and practices of the Fed is enough to warrant concern.

It is known that the Fed is a private bank that nevertheless has close connections to the US government.

It is known that the Fed is in complete control of the US money supply and that they are in charge of printing new money.

It is also known that the Fed loans this new money out to member banks for a fee.

This is how the Fed earns most of its money, by lending printed money to member banks for a fee.

Since this money isn’t backed by anything other than assurances by the Fed, this paper money is essentially worthless.

The Federal Reserve bank note system is nothing but a scam. But that doesn’t stop the Fed from printing more of it each and every day.

Once the money is printed, the Fed loans it to its member banks and collects a fee. After the banks receive Fed dollars, they then loan them to American citizens at usurious interest rates.

In the end it is the American public that is bilked out of money simply so that they can receive worthless paper money that was printed via the Federal Reserve bank note system.

Fed and Theft

When the Fed decided to print more money, they are not only stealing from average citizens, they are also depressing the value of the dollar overseas.

When the money supply increases, the value of the dollar decreases.

Not surprisingly, Americans traveling overseas are having a hard time using dollars, and they are also losing money on exchange rates.

All of this can be traced back to the Federal Reserve bank note system.

The Fed, it seems, is more interested in making a profit than it is with responsibly managing the American money supply.

Devaluing the Dollar

The dollar has been depressed by irresponsible money creation by the Fed.

Recently, the Fed has been charged with the responsibility of creating trillions of new dollars to fund the economic stimulus package.

However, instead of these dollars being backed by assets or commodities, these new dollars are backed entirely by debt, which means that the US must sell treasuries and bonds to foreign countries in order back these new dollars.

Essentially, every new dollar that is currently being printed is an IOU to foreign country.

In the end, the United States will end up losing autonomy in order to cover this debt.

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