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Federal Reserve Banks Increase Money Supply

When Federal Reserve Banks Increase Money Supply, They Devalue the Dollar and With Absolute Intention They Bring You Closer to Bankruptcy Everyday.

When the Federal Reserve Banks increase money supply, they decrease the value of the dollars in your pocket.

This is the true reason your quality of life is going down. This is why your dollar doesn’t go as far as it did a few years ago.

The simple fact is the Federal Reserve is an illegal United States central bank.

In the book, The Creatures From Jekyll Island, G Edward Griffin gives us a simple explanation of how our money is devalued when the Federal Reserve Banks increase money supply:

“We have the phenomenon called inflation which is the appearance of rising prices.

“I emphasize the word “appearance” because in reality prices are not rising at all.

“What we’re seeing is that the value of the dollar is going down, that’s the real side of the equation.

“If we had real money based on gold or silver or anything tangible that couldn’t just be created out of thin air, it could be based on microphones, that they couldn’t just create with the stroke of a pen, you would see then that prices would remain stable over a long period of time.

“To illustrate that point, it’s interesting to know that if we had lived in ancient Rome with a one ounce gold coin we would’ve been able to buy a very fine toga, a hand-crafted belt and a pair of sandals – that was the price in Rome.

“Today, if we have a one ounce gold coin what can we buy with it? We can go into any men’s store and buy a very fine suit, a hand-crafted belt and a pair of shoes.

“The price of these items hasn’t changed in thousands of years when expressed in terms of real money but when expressed in terms of these things we carry around in our pockets called Federal Reserve notes which is not really money at all, fiat money anyway, the prices keep going up and up and up because the value of those units keeps going down and down and down because they keep making more and more and more of them and dumping them into the economic soup.”

Federal Reserve Banks Increase Money: Booms/Busts

What Griffin is describing is a real threat to all Americans today.

Through the Federal Reserve System of creating money, international bankers have the ability to create booms and busts.

If they make money easy for us to get, we have a great economy. If they make money scarce, we suffer a recession or depression.

This system is not truly a “free market system”, and none exists today.

We and the markets are controlled by the elite. We’ve just been led to believe that there’s no one pulling the strings.

Ever since 1913, our Federal Reserve notes have been steadily devaluing.

You can’t keep devaluing the currency and putting the country into perpetual debt to the bankers without eventually seeing the system crash.

Federal Reserve Banks Increase Money: Educate Yourself

Americans must wake up and see what’s happening. They’ve been duped into taking on a mountain of debt, both personal and national.

The people who are the producers in America are being scammed by the banking elite.

While the producers slave away in their little shack homes, the bankers create money from nothing and steal the wealth of the land through the Fed.

The bankers produce nothing and contribute nothing but misery and slavery to the people.

Invest some time reading through the vast array of articles you’ll find on our website regarding the international banking cabal and the way the cabal is fooling the American public through the Federal Reserve.

Educate yourself on the fractional reserve banking system they use to leverage even more their wealth creating abilities.

Educate yourself on how bankers, our monetary system, and your debt are at the root of the elite-planned New World Order.

Ultimately, educate yourself on why your debt is impossible to pay off because the interest must be paid with more borrowed money. 

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