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Fraudulent U.S. Central Bank News

U.S. Central Bank News Claims to Report on the Actions of the Federal Reserve. However, the Real Facts About the Fed’s Criminal Agenda Are Carefully Hidden From Us.

U.S. central bank news has changed its focus from central banking to the global economy.

Most of the news that comes from the United States Federal Reserve is no news at all.

Our bought politicians work with the elite bankers to keep the citizens in the dark.

It is virtually impossible to be educated and aware of what the central bank of the U.S., which is the Federal Reserve, is really up to.

The Federal Reserve is not a part of the government, it is a private corporation, it is not accountable to nor audited by Congress and it is an illegal and unconstitutional system.

Within the Constitution it states very clearly that Congress shall have the power to create and regulate the money of the United States.

It is difficult to understand how the Federal Reserve has been able to completely control the monetary system of the United States as an illegal entity and to keep everyone completely in the dark regarding its activity for all these years.

The big news about the U.S. Central Bank News is the lack of concrete news available to our Congressmen and the people.

We are given only so much information and yet this central bank keeps looting the citizens and pretending to be legitimate.

The Elitists that Own the Federal Reserve are Criminals

These owners of the private cooperation called the U.S. Federal Reserve operate out of greed and malice and have destroyed the American dollar.

The dollar up until 1971 was backed by gold and silver. Since 1971, absolutely nothing backs up the money except debt.

This debt has gotten so out of control that it has now become impossible to pay back.

The big news that should be announced by the U.S. Central Bank News is that the currency of the United States does not nor has not had any reserve to back it up since 1971.

The only thing that has kept it going is the illusion that somehow the United States’ money must still be backed up by gold and therefore people still have maintained confidence it its value.

Some Congressmen are starting to demand that the Federal Reserve become more transparent in what they are doing within the global financial market, how the central bank coordination is used, and what is being done with the money supply.

Many are speculating on what is going to happen when the Federal Reserve announces that the dollar is no longer the currency and the new currency is the Amero.

That announcement from the U.S. Central Bank News will happen when the inability to pay even the daily interest on the trillions of debt the federal government has built up occurs.

The Amero then becomes the new currency for the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Troops and border restrictions are preparations for when that is announced.

Already Homeland Security officers are setting up checkpoints in the guise of protecting you against terrorist activity.

The elite owners are the terrorists and they are about ready to strike.

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