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Free Market Enterprise isn’t Free

The Free Market Enterprise is Nothing More Than a Myth as it’s Controlled by International Bankers. 

In school, children are taught that the United States is a free market enterprise, which is why so many people are able to live out the American dream. 

What the children don’t realize, though, is there is really only so far one can go in the United States because the free market is actually controlled by the elite. 

The elite bankers own all of the industries in the world and, because of that, they are behind the curtains pulling the strings. 

If you think the market is free take a look at what capitalism is in the United States and you will see there is not any freedom in the system. 

The system is controlled by the international bankers. 

They control the so-called free market enterprise so they can make even more money. 

They know if there was a true free market in place they would be in danger as the people that owned businesses would have the chance of making a great deal of money, and thus shutting them down. 

They could not allow that to happen so they put their hands into everything in the market. 

The extent the bankers are in control of everything can be seen in the economy of today, as the economy has completely tanked due to the elite’s involvement in the worldwide market. 

First, the elite print the money and completely control it. 

When the government or industry needs money they have to go to the elite to get it, and if the elite decide they deserve the money, they will create the money out of nothing and then give it to the people with interest. 

The elite then have a stake in the business because the business owes them money. 

It does not stop there, though, as the elite also own the resources business owners need, such as gas and electricity. 

The elite are able to control these industries in order to cut into the profits of the business world. 

Then, the elite can even control the way the industry is perceived, as they control the media, and they can get the media to report it any way they want. 

The idea of a free market enterprise is a great one, but that is not the market that the world uses, and as long as the elite are involved it is not possible.

The Federal Reserve and Businesses

The Fed is in charge of businesses. A free market enterprise cannot exist as long as the Fed controls all money in the United States.

Since the money is regulated by the Fed, it is impossible for a business owner to get ahead. 

The only competition in the market is the competition the elite want, and the only success is the success the elite want.

There is no freedom in today’s market. 

Funding of Nations

The elite make sure the best system is in place for them, and they set up the system and fund it so it will work to their advantage.

In the U.S. there is a blending of systems. Right now, socialism is becoming stronger and capitalism is dying off. 

The elite have worked hard to get their system in place so they can get richer and richer, all at the expense of the average citizen.

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