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Future Uses of Biometrics Danger

Future Uses of Biometrics Include Human Tracking. The Banking Elite Backed Government Will Stop at Nothing to Achieve Total Control Over Us in Their NWO Regime.

The future uses of biometrics have been staple elements of science fiction movies and books for years.

Now, the actual uses of biometrics are here to stay. We are watched from the moment we leave our houses until we return, and often while at home too.

There are dozens of ways that biometric data, including fingerprints, DNA, and other biological spoor, is gathered from U.S. citizens every single day.

You might not even be aware of how easy it would be for the government or a private company to track you if they wanted to.

Do you have a cell phone that your employer has given you for work? Does that cell phone have a GPS chip?

Many employers pay to have the phones they give to employees tagged with a GPS locator so the employer can track where they go and what they do when they’re working and even when they’re not working.

Some banks collect fingerprint data regularly under the guise of a fast pay system.

This system allows you to place your finger on a scanner that records your fingerprint, verifies your identity and deducts money from your checking account to pay for purchases.

Children’s fingerprints and DNA are routinely collected by the police and kept on file for that person’s entire life.

The police say they would need that information to help find the child if the child ever went missing.

In reality, the police are building a huge database with the DNA and fingerprints of every child so as those children grow up the police and government will be able to store private information about them.

But the current uses of biometrics pale in comparison to the future uses of biometrics which would virtually eliminate the concept of personal privacy and therefore freedom.

Future Uses of Biometrics

One of the most frightening examples of the future uses of biometrics is the Real ID chip.

The Real ID is similar to the tracking system used now for pets.

Millions of pet owners have their pets implanted with a small microchip, about the size of a grain of rice that can be read with a special scanner.

If your pet gets lost any vet clinic or shelter that finds it can use the scanner to read the chip and get your contact information so the pet can be returned to you.

In theory, it’s a great system. Hundreds of thousands of pets are returned to their owners every year because of the microchipping system.

However, the global elite have started experimenting with human microchipping.

Hunted Like a Dog

A human version of the system currently used for pets has already been developed and tested.

The Bush administration actively promoted the idea of using an RFID chip on every American citizen as a way of proving identity.

In reality, they just want to be able to track the citizens of the US wherever they go.

Using GPS technology, anyone who had access to your chip data could find your location within a few meters instantly.

Think about the ramifications of that. Do you want the government tracking you like an animal?

It’s already happening. Prisoners are routinely implanted with RFID chips so if they escape law enforcement officers can find them.

Immigrants are also implanted with chips so that immigration officials can make sure they don’t overstay the time allotted on their visas.

But most often these days RFID chips, GPS technology and other tracking systems that used to be considered future uses of biometrics are being used on children.

Targeting Children

It’s easy for the government to convince parents to subject their children to a total invasion of privacy in the name of safety.

And while parents might think that future uses of biometrics will find a balance between safety and privacy, right now the methods used are frighteningly invasive and downright sneaky.

Parents can give their children cell phones with GPS trackers that cannot be turned off so the parents can see exactly where the child is and where they go. 

Real ID chips can be sewn into clothing or even implanted into children so that parents can see their every movement.

Ostensibly this is so the police will be able to find a missing child, but the chips cannot be removed so any parent that has a Real ID implanted in their child is giving the government a way to track that child for the rest of his or her life.

Is safety worth that high a price?

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