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Genetically Modified Agriculture Used

Genetically Modified Agriculture Brings Serious Health Problems. Mutating Genes is Another Way for Elites to Oppress the Masses; Frankenstein Foods Aren’t Safe.

Genetically modified agriculture is being cultivated in more than 20 countries across the globe. There are more than 222 million acres of transgenic cultivation.

These crops have had their genetic makeup changed to add specific traits from other plant or animal DNA.

There is, for example, a corn seed that has scorpion DNA intermingled with the original corn genetic makeup. There is no real evidence that consumption of the products of these laboratory cocktails are safe.

The evidence in animals as well as humans appears in fact to be contrary to safety and raise serious concerns.

This is irrelevant to the profit-mongers of big corporations like Monsanto who see GM technology as the ticket to controlling the world food supply to the detriment of the world’s population.

While several European Governments have awoken to the omnipresent danger this brings, the US, to the contrary, promotes the GM takeover at the World Trade Organization (WTO) and in bi-lateral trade agreements.

In reality it is the large corporations that find the big political campaigns in the US and later offer high paying jobs to ex-office-holders.

Hence the United States government responds to the interests of those that buy political clout.

This is the bottom line and the GM catastrophe-in-waiting is one example of this.

A Plan to Control the Food Chain

Genetically modified agriculture is planned to take over the food chain. It will drive small farmers out of business as the seeds must be bought every year since they are owned by the patent holders.

They are designed to be resistant to herbicides. This trait cross-pollinates with weeds and creates pesticide resistant super weeds.

This requires the need for more pesticides that are produced by the same companies that make the seeds.

Others produce their own pesticides internally, possibly serving as a literal poison when consumed by humans or animals.

Secrecy Belies Problem

The proponents of genetically modified agriculture oppose having GM production mentioned on food labels.

They know that the public does not want food tampered with so they want to keep it secret.

This secrecy and the lack of interest on the part of these industries to finance serious and thorough studies of the products should be seen as warning signs.

Hunger and Suffering will Increase

The use of genetically modified agriculture is not aimed at reducing hunger in fact hunger will increase by making production more expensive and thus small farmers will be completely destroyed around the globe.

That is of no concern to the corporate elite that seeks to consolidate its international hegemony.

US agribusiness is subsidized and has the bargaining strength of the US Government backing it in international arenas.

It is also likely that increased GM use will increase illness around the world. After introduction of GM foods in the UK in 2001, allergies jumped by 50%. This is a mild problem compared to indications from rats that have been studied.

Russian scientists released a study in April of 2007 that showed blood and internal organ transformations in lab rats after continued exposure to GM food products.

If GM food production is not contained and eradicated grave times may be in store for humanity.

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