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Genetically Modified Tobacco

Genetically Modified Tobacco Creates a Magic Cigarette That is Harmless to Humans and Has Actual Health Benefits. Big Tobacco Corporations Wouldn’t Lie, Would They?

The tobacco industry is working diligently to produce genetically modified tobacco (GMT).

The tobacco industry has a well established history of concern for profit above their customer’ welfare.

Is it possible the giant corporations have changed their ways?

The marketing reason for GMT is the purported ability to produce tobacco without the gene that causes nicotine to turn into a carcinogen.

The tobacco industry has been working on this technology after their argument that tobacco smoking doesn’t cause cancer was debunked.

The tobacco industry also believes they may be on the brink of producing GMT that could help fight diabetes.

This line of thought is eerily similar to the arguments of the 1940’s-1950’s in which “doctors” advertised a brand of cigarette because it was good for one.

The advertising was aggressive and unregulated at the time.

The suggestion was that if one smoked, they would appear more confident; men more manly and women more seductive, with the image as cigarette smoker.

Indeed, many people think that smoking cigarettes had helped in keeping their weight down.

The tobacco commercials are now limited and health warnings are on the cigarette packaging.

The tobacco CEOs’ assertion that cigarette smoking did not contribute to the development of cancer has been shot down.

The latest assertion from the tobacco industry is that GMT may not cause cancer and indeed, may help in controlling the development of diabetes.

Skepticism by the consumer would be an intelligent response to this claim.

Insult to the intelligence could be another understandable response.

And, indeed, the added insult of the reason for this change in effects of tobacco is genetic engineering, a process that is under intense scrutiny.

Genetic engineering is a process in which the cells from one plant or organism is inserted into another, changing the DNA of the receiving host.

When consumed by people or animals, this inserted DNA may transfer to the consumer, with results that are unknown.

This is the process by which modification occurs to produce the happy carcinogen-free/diabetes fighting tobacco.

One could object to using consumers as guinea pigs. Do consumers really want to be fed anything a corporation can produce in a laboratory for consumption?

One really must acknowledge and recognize that the only reason for the corporations existence is profit.

New Health Enhancer?

We have the corporations on one side with their story and the consumer on the other with their lives.

The consumer has often handed their power and well-being over to corporations for safe-keeping.

Why Not Trust the Tobacco Corporations?

Tragic is the only word that describes the situation if consumers accept the claims of the tobacco industry that it is harmless, or indeed, good for you.

The memory of the actor-doctors in ads in the 1950’s explaining the health benefits of cigarette smoking, should be sufficient to give one pause.

Shining Pigs Noses

Genetic engineering has allowed researches to combine jellyfish with pig embryo’s to produce pigs whose noses glow.

It may not be this flamboyant, but the results of consuming the products are still not well enough known to understand and we may well be wary of genetically modified tobacco.

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