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Georgia Guidestones Code no Longer Secret

What is the Georgia Guidestones Code?

The Georgia Guidestones Code, according to many people, is a move towards sustainable living on population reduction. 

If we take the Georgia guidance at face value, they clearly called for a 92% cull in humanity. 

The question we have to ask ourselves is … can we see elements of this agenda or the club of Rome agenda 21 being carried out around us?

Perhaps the most brazen example of a depopulation agenda is the moves by the Codex Alimentarius to classify nutrients necessary for human existence as toxins. 

In this way, the nutrients will be very difficult to get hold of insufficient quantities to maintain human life. 

Many people looking at a the potential for global depopulation agenda can see many strands of the agenda becoming a critical Mass at some point over the next 3 to 5 years. 

The laws which are currently in the pipeline in the World Trade Organisation and the World Health Organisation, like Codex Alimentarius, could result in 3 billion preventable deaths from diseases relating to malnutrition and starvation.

In addition to the Codex Alimentarius legislation, people also point to overwhelming scientific proof that vaccines are having a detrimental impact on young people and children. 

The explosion in the number of vaccines has coincided with an explosion in the incidences of attention deficit disorder, autism, diabetes, obesity and a multitude of other conditions and children. 

Depopulation Being Prepared?

Chemtrails… Its Really Weird!

The Georgia guidestones code of global depopulation is also implicated in the mass spraying of the population by commercial airliners in chemtrails.

The barium and Mercury heavy chemtrails are causing Morgellens disease in more and more places around the globe. 

People who subscribe to the Georgia guidestones code point to all of these factors as strands in a strategy to soften the immune system of humanity.

When the immune system is fundamentally weakened and unable to withstand an attack, many people are predicting that a viral like attack will take place. 

In the age of air travel, this will be the first potentially global pandemic in history.

Should the population of globe suffer from a co-ordinated downturn in their immune system strength at the same time as they suffer a pandemic virus attack, it is very likely that a huge percentage of the population would perish. 

Subscribers to the Georgia guidestones code point out that both chemtrails and the Codex Alimentarius legislation are global phenomenon.

It is mystifying to many people how chemtrails can appear over Tokyo, from Japan Air commercial airliner at the same time as they appear over London in British Airways airliners.

Useless Eaters

Many people firmly believe that the agenda is a globalist agenda to rid the world of the “useless eaters” who are munching through the globes limited natural resources at a terrific rate as the population expands out of control. 

They believe that the elites want to keep the earth’s resources for themselves and their bloodlines, with enough surviving humans to live in balance with our new God… mother Earth.

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