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Gov Rick Perry

Gov Rick Perry Parades Populist Rhetoric While Abetting Big Capital.

Texas Gov Rick Perry may be seeking to position himself as a leader in Republican politics nationally.

At the very least he is positioning himself for a 2010 attempt to a third term in the Governor’s Mansion of the Lone Star State.

Perry was one of numerous Republicans that played a visible role at the April 15, Tax Day Tea Parties organized by the Fundamentalist, Conservative, American Family Association.

These protests sought to recall the Boston Tea Party which launched the first salvo by colonists that led to the American Revolution from Boston Harbor in December of 1773 against taxation without representation.

Perry recently refused to receive his state’s share of the economic stimulus package approved by Congress that was promoted by the President.

The nearly $800 billion package is a modern New Deal plan to put Americans to work on infrastructure such as road repair, making schools and government buildings more energy efficient, expanding public broad band internet access and interconnecting hospital databases of patient records.

At the Tax Day Rally in Austin, TX, Perry raised the specter of seeking secession from the Union, a measure Texas already did do in 1861 when it took the side of the southern confederate states in the country’s Civil War.

Perry Makes the Radar of Elite Secretive Societies

Picked by Secretive Bilderberg Group

Gov Rick Perry is apparently considered to be a rising star by the major capitalists, politicians and media moguls in the U.S. and Europe that form the secretive Bilderberg Group.

The group, which is a more select version of the 350 member Trilateral Commission, is formed by some of the same people who have a long tradition of seeking to put policies in the interest of corporate profits.

Perry may have gotten the nod due to his spending to modernize Texas Highways as part of the super transportation corridor being built in the framework of the Security and Prosperity Partnership.

This was launched under the Bush/Cheney Administration in order to strengthen NAFTA and its benefits to U.S. capital at the expense of working people.

Helping Super NAFTA

This super highway, which Gov Rick Perry is helping to construct, will allow for fast and easy movement of commercial goods from southern Mexico throughout the US and northward into Canada.

The roadway will facilitate even greater capital flight to south of the border, as announced already by Ford Motors which is building a multi billion dollar plant in Mexico.

It will also allow for easy shipping of imports from Mexican and Central American ports northwards.

Unionized U.S. Longshoremen and Teamsters will both be effected as these ports replace domestic entry points from Asia and Teamsters are replaced by Mexican truck drivers arriving as inland as the logistical center of SmartPort in Kansas City, Missouri.

Trampling Workers Rights

Gov Rick Perry has endorsed a sovereignty law in Texas under the 9th and 10th Amendments of the Constitution.

This would appear to be merely a way to cover his tracks and appeal to local voters since his support for strengthening NAFTA and free trade not only hurts workers rights but hands over U.S. sovereignty and that of Mexico and Canada to treaty based courts that overrule national laws.

No wonder he is being courted by Bilderberg Group. He is acting in the interests of profit making for the powerful to the detriment of working Texans and the poor.

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