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Government Hides Working Free Energy Devices

Working Free Energy Devices Are Suppressed by Elites. Oil Barons Like the Rockefeller Family Use Powerful Influence to Keep Us Enslaved to Fossil Fuel.

Working free energy devices are becoming more common than ever, but the problem is, the creators of the devices are not able to get a patent because the patent office has all but called a moratorium on granting patents for such devices.

When one applies for a patent, their device will be analyzed, and the patent office decides if it would change the way the world works, or if it would go with the status quo.

Status quo patents are granted every day, but the real game changers are not granted, and instead, working free energy devices are discounted and people are led to believe they do not exist when they really do.

This is causing free energy devices to be put on the shelf, meaning the inventors are not able to protect their ideas and the people are not able to benefit from the great technology that is offered.

It is frightening when the world works against knowledge, and the world works in a way that anyone that has an idea that could positively change the way people live their lives is put back on the shelf and discounted.

The reasons for discounting these devices is practically obscene, as the patent offices and scientists cite theories as the reason behind discounting the devices.

Theories are not facts, and they are not supposed to be represented as facts, and theories can be changed over time as more information is discovered.

Working free energy devices might discount the basic theories of physics, but that does not mean they are not possible, and all one has to do is see one of the devices at work to know that it is possible.

Without the patent office giving up the patents, the devices do not have the clout they need to make it to the mainstream, and the patent office and the elite know that, which is why they continue to put themselves in control of who will be heard and who will not be heard.

Free energy is a reality, but unless the patent office changes, as well as the minds of people that refuse to believe that theories can be changed, this stalemate will continue and the citizens of the country as well as the environment will lose out.

Decades of Suppression

Some of the best working free energy devices came about in the 1970s but few people have heard of them because patents were not granted.

Others were able to receive patents but then the inventions themselves were suppressed.

There is a real movement to suppress this technology. The reason behind that is money.

Money is the main motivator in all aspects of American life, and this is no different.

Free energy would cripple the elite, and therefore they will not allow it to exist.

Danger of Applying

In addition, there is some danger involved in applying for a free energy patent. Those who apply have a target on their backs.

The elite look at them as if they are stealing money right from the pockets of the oil industry.

People need to continue doing free energy experiments, but they must understand the path they will have to follow will not be an easy one.

There will be people that will try to stop them in order to preserve their income.

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