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How Does Big Brother Watch what We Do?

With New Technology Big Brother Watch is a Reality. George Orwell Predicted We Would be Tracked and Monitored in Every Step of Our Day; High-Tech Spies Are Here.

The sum of Big Brother Watch is composed of at least two factors: new technology and government’s willingness to use that technology.

Our government, directed by global elitists, are working toward total surveillance of Americans.

The ability to transmit information from one tiny electronic device to another, when coupled with the personal desires of government officials to control citizens, gives the phrase Big Brother a whole new meaning.

Unfortunately, this watch by Big Brother is a reality far more disturbing than any network television series, and it is more disturbing than anything George Orwell and others could have imagined.

Why would the presence of a watchful government be so disturbing in the 21st century?

Part of the answer lies in the simple fact that our elected officials, their advisers and the major corporations that support them now have the technology to know just about anything they wish to know.

It’s sort of like the answer to the question: Why would anyone do that? They do it because they can.

At least they are trying, beginning with a 2006 effort from then Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, who led an effort to require communications service providers to maintain records on individual use for two years.

While keeping records is not such a disturbing trend, the reason behind the retention of records might well be not only disturbing but also a true threat to personal freedom.

Email, Email: The Saga Continues

While the end of the George W. Bush administration, and with it the end of the Gonzalez reign in the Attorney General’s office, might have been a signal for the end of such plans, the truth is just the opposite.

There are at least two pieces of legislation being considered in 2008-2009 that would provide for communication providers supplying personal Web and email information to the government on request.

While our elected officials may argue that passage of such bills wouldn’t truly affect any law-abiding citizen, the truth is that the new law would throw a criminal blanket over a much larger portion of the citizenry.

However, the use of email records is only one item on the list.

Who is Fit and who isn’t

About five years ago, a few folks in Illinois held open discussions on the topic of testing children for mental health needs.

On the surface, this might seem an admirable goal for a government agency and a good use of taxpayer dollars.

But consider the language in the law that makes an effort to ensure assessment of a child’s social and emotional development, using standardized tools.

For some parents and educators, this legislation has the feel of social training in that it attempts to define what a mentally healthy child is and should be.

One writer, Laura Dawn Lewis, wrote that many of the new laws are being proposed with good intentions or under the guise of good intentions.

Fear in Good Intention Clothing

What is truly disturbing about the growth of this Big Brother watch is that many of the efforts directly contradict the basic philosophy of our country. Lewis notes that the mental health testing is true profiling according to arbitrary standards.

What makes this program and the email-records legislation so disturbing is that both are compulsory, meaning that, when it comes to personal information and raising our children, we have no choice but to comply.

Big Brother watch does not mean simply keeping an eye on drivers who run red lights. With new technology and a change in government philosophy, the intrusion reaches far deeper.

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