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How Far Does the NSA Network Go?

The NSA Network That Can Reach Out as Far as the PC in Your Home.

The nsa network or National Security Agency network to give it its full name is supposedly the national solution to the threat of cyber war.

The NSA advertises to recruit the best computer scientists available, in an effort to prepare against perceived threats of network attacks that would unduly affect defense information systems and networks.

The NSA also exercises power in the form of surveillance of “target or enemy information systems or networks”.

Depending on whether on the NSA considers China to be an enemy might explain why no moves were made to prevent hackers from China breeching networks that control the electricity power supplies in major cities in New York.

On the one hand, these hackers were in a position to cause immense disruption to large sectors of the population.

On the other hand, the United States owes a trillion dollars to China, so it might have been reticent about complaining about the hacking.

This may be the reason why nobody called in the National Security Agency.

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When the NSA Has Its Own Spy Port Built in to PCS

What the NSA is really called in to do however is to monitor the communications on the networks of other federal agencies.

According to the directive signed by Bush about one year ago, the NSA became the watchdog for federal agencies up and down the country.

The network activities of the National Security Agency may extend yet further.

As well as monitoring communications between computers over the nsa network, it is theoretically possible for the NSA to monitor directly what is happening on computers themselves.

This capability has been known to hackers for years.

Their technique is to persuade the owner of the computer to download an apparently innocent looking file and to install it in their computer.

Telltale NSA Signs in Microsoft Windows

The file is a mini computer program, often disguised as a simple text document for example.

Once installed, the program then gets to work setting up a connection that the pirate can access directly to infiltrate the machine and steal, destroy or corrupt computer data.

Naturally, nobody knowingly starts off with a computer that has such dangerous software installed for these pirates.

The pirates have to trick the users into installing the program afterwards.

The NSA with the nsa network however may have gone one step further.

In the world famous Windows operating system from Microsoft Corporation, there are mysterious references in the software to items such as “_NSAKEY”.

Just Changing a Name Doesn’t Correct the Situation

By a system known as private and public key cryptography, Microsoft builds in a verification system into its software, technically to comply with export regulations.

Depending on who has the private and the public key, it is possible to access the computer over a network by getting round any software security that the PC happens to have installed.

If for instance, the NSA owned the private key in this case, it could snoop on any computer running Windows with impunity.

Microsoft denies such allegations, but does not make its source code available and cannot therefore be checked up on one way or another.

Meanwhile the “_NSAKEY” has been renamed as “_KEY2”, but is still embedded in the system with the same level of access for the NSA network as before.

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